Free The History of the Qurʾanic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments Download Books

Point Based On Books The History of the Qurʾanic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments

Title:The History of the Qurʾanic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments
Author:Muhammad Mustafa al-ʿAzami
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 400 pages
Published:October 1st 2003 by UK Islamic Academy
Categories:Religion. Islam. History. Nonfiction. Christianity
Free The History of the Qurʾanic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments  Download Books
The History of the Qurʾanic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments Paperback | Pages: 400 pages
Rating: 4.33 | 178 Users | 11 Reviews

Commentary Toward Books The History of the Qurʾanic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments

With full colour images, meticulously annotated and researched, The History of the Qur’anic Text provides unique insights into the Qur’an’s immaculate preservation throughout its history, covering such topics as how divine revelations were received, Prophet Muhammad’s role in teaching and disseminating these verses, the text’s compilation under his guidance and the setting of its final shape shortly after his death. It also looks at the origins of Arabic, its palaeography and orthography, the so-called Mushaf of Ibn Mas‘ud, and the strict methodology employed in assembling textual fragments. This scholarly work provides an essential basis for sincere study of the Qur’an at a time when mis-representation of Islam’s Holy Book has become all too common. The author also investigates the histories of the Old and New Testaments, relying entirely on Judeo-Christian sources, and by so doing the book attains an absolutely epic scope. Through this the author makes a sophisticated and passionate case for questioning the aims of Western scholarship towards Islam’s Holy Book and illustrates convincingly that such research, motivated by more than mere curiosity, has no scientific bearing on the Qur’an’s integrity. A truly monumental effort, an indispensable tool for Muslims and non-Muslims alike, this work presents a cogent and powerful argument for the Qur’an’s unique inviolability and will serve as a cornerstone addition to any personal library and Islamic curriculum.

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Original Title: The History of the Quranic Text, from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments
ISBN: 1872531652 (ISBN13: 9781872531656)
Edition Language: English

Rating Based On Books The History of the Qurʾanic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments
Ratings: 4.33 From 178 Users | 11 Reviews

Critique Based On Books The History of the Qurʾanic Text from Revelation to Compilation: A Comparative Study with the Old and New Testaments
buku ini memberikan jawaban lugas atas usaha ilmuan barat dalam mendiskreditan Al Qur'an. Semoga Allah merahmati Syaikh Azami.

Buku ini sangat penting dan menarik. Bukan sekadar menceritakan kepada kita sejarah transmisi Kitab Suci umat Islam ini dari masa ke masa, tapi juga membantu kita melepaskan diri dari miskonsepsi-miskonsepsi yang sering menghinggapi kita saat membaca narasi dari sumber-sumber klasik tentang sejarah Qur'an. sayangnya, terjemahan buku ini tidak cukup lancar. Kalimat-kalimat atau frase yang dalam bahasa Inggrisnya mestinya enak dibaca jadi berbelit-belit dalam versi Indonesia.

Sebenarnya bagaimana sih sejarah turunnya wahyu Allah (Al-Qur'an) diturunkan kepada Nabi Muhammad hingga akhirnya terbentuk mushaf Al-Qur'an seperti yang kita miliki dan baca saat ini? Anda bisa mengetahui sejarahnya dengan membaca buku ini, buku yang ditulis oleh muhaddits terkenal syaikh Muhammad Mustafa Al-Azhami membahas tentang sejarah teks Al-Qur'an secara lengkap dan jelas.Buku ini bukan hanya membahas tentang sejarah teks Al-Qur'an, tapi juga membahas beberapa hal lain; seperti tentang

الكاتب متمكن من موضوع الكتاب. يجب ان يترجم الي اللغة العربية حيث يتطرق الكاتب لتاريخ جمع القران و يختبر نظريات و تخرصات المستشرقين في منهج . مقنع و جميل ميزة اخرى في الكتاب ان الكاتب يقارن بين جمع القران و التوراة و الانجيل ممايعطيك نظرة شاملة و كيف ان المستشرقين يستقون نظرياتهم من فرضية ان كل الكتب السماوية مرة بنفس تجربة التحريف

Buku yang saya beli ketika Kapal Baruna Jaya III sandar di Padang dalam rangka deploy buoy dart TEWS Amerika di perairan barat sumatra....buku ini bagus...karena menjelaskan sejarah teks alqur`an yang sering dianggap bahwa alqur`an sekarang ini palsu,tidak seperti ketika pertama kali turun.alasannya adanya bacaan alqur`an yang berbeda-bedapermasalahan itu dibantah dengan baik oleh Prof. Dr. Muhammad Musthafa Al A'zami,dan dibandingkan juga dengan sejarah teks dari bible jadi buku ini lebih

Striking.. often goes against academic naunces by being blunt and to the point.

A comprehensive comparative case study of the Quran with the Old and New Testament.I highly recommend this book for someone who likes history and comparative religion. This is a comprehensive book that will give you an in-depth background of the Al-Quran history from it was first revealed until it was compiled as we have in our possession today. Safe to mention that many are unaware that the first time it was done was during the caliphate of Abu Bakar ra, Umar ra suggested that the Quran should

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