Books Download Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2) Free Online

Present Regarding Books Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)

Title:Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)
Author:Ally Carter
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 298 pages
Published:June 21st 2011 by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
Categories:Young Adult. Mystery. Contemporary. Romance
Books Download Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2) Free Online
Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2) Hardcover | Pages: 298 pages
Rating: 4.13 | 40364 Users | 2351 Reviews

Description Toward Books Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)

Katarina Bishop has worn a lot of labels in her short life. Friend. Niece. Daughter. Thief. But for the last two months she’s simply been known as the girl who ran the crew that robbed the greatest museum in the world. That’s why Kat isn’t surprised when she’s asked to steal the infamous Cleopatra Emerald so it can be returned to its rightful owners.

There are only three problems. First, the gem hasn’t been seen in public in thirty years. Second, since the fall of the Egyptian empire and the suicide of Cleopatra, no one who holds the emerald keeps it for long, and in Kat’s world, history almost always repeats itself. But it’s the third problem that makes Kat’s crew the most nervous and that is simply… the emerald is cursed.

Kat might be in way over her head, but she’s not going down without a fight. After all she has her best friend—the gorgeous Hale—and the rest of her crew with her as they chase the Cleopatra around the globe, dodging curses, realizing that the same tricks and cons her family has used for centuries are useless this time.

Which means, this time, Katarina Bishop is making up her own rules.

Itemize Books In Favor Of Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)

Original Title: Uncommon Criminals
ISBN: 1423147952 (ISBN13: 9781423147954)
Edition Language: English
Series: Heist Society #2
Characters: Gabrielle, Simon, Katarina Bishop, W. W. Hale the Fifth
Setting: Brooklyn, New York City, New York(United States) New York City, New York(United States) Austria …more Lyon(France) Monte Carlo(Monaco) Paraguay …less
Literary Awards: Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Young Adult Fiction (2011)

Rating Regarding Books Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)
Ratings: 4.13 From 40364 Users | 2351 Reviews

Notice Regarding Books Uncommon Criminals (Heist Society #2)
Actual rating 4.5 starsThis review was originally posted at 4.5 out of 5 starsI enjoyed this sequel more than the first book. It was entertaining, fun and full of action. Its full of suspense and twists and turns that I did not see coming at all. Thankfully, theres more background information on the characters and their familys lives of thieving. This book focuses a lot on family and friendship but it has more of a romance as well.Writing

Love is the biggest con of allThis sequel is really better. I could totally picture the world and loved Carte's way of making the characters look like good badass people. They are thieves who have no unbelievable tech, guns or really dangerous people behind them and still made the book enjoyable. I liked how they were conning and robbing in a classic and elegant way and still were the good guy. And how sly they were. The writing was really easy and pleasant but the romance...Kat felt her heart

More 4.5, but that was sly and HALE.

Ahhhh. Where do I begin?I remember reading Heist Society a loooong time ago, I remember listening to the audiobook of it quite a few times,I remember loving this series. I just didn't rememmber HOW MUCH.I loved this book! I was so surprised and pleased to discovered it is as good as the first one, plus more adventures,more truths, even more lies, and oh so many incredibly kick-butt action!The characters! Gosh the characters! I didn't recall them being this awesome! they were all SO CLEVER, SO

The second book was just as fun as the first. This series is making me want to watch everything from National Treasure to Fools Gold for some reason. Im here for it though.

Pre-reading: Hm, I think I like the Heist cover better, this one seems a little less intense. But it's still nice, love that the model kept her smirk :)After reading: I really loved this book. I liked the first Heist a lot, but I feel like Ally Carter has improved her writing so much since the last Heist. All the characters in Uncommon Criminals are really wonderful and extremely well fleshed out. I also think Ally Carter's third person prose has gotten a lot better.

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