Books Free Download Frederica

Books Free Download Frederica
Frederica Paperback | Pages: 384 pages
Rating: 4.17 | 17356 Users | 1475 Reviews

Details Books In Pursuance Of Frederica

Original Title: Frederica
ISBN: 0099465647 (ISBN13: 9780099465645)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Frederica Merriville, Marquis of Alverstoke

Ilustration To Books Frederica

Rich and handsome, darling of the ton, the hope of ambitious mothers and despair of his sisters, the Marquis of Alverstoke at seven-and-thirty sees no reason to put himself out for anyone. Until a distant connection, ignorant of his selfishness, applies to him for help. When Frederica Merriville brings her three younger siblings to London determined to secure a brilliant marriage for her beautiful sister, Charis, she seeks out their distant cousin the Marquis of Alverstoke. Lovely, competent, and refreshingly straightforward, Frederica makes such a strong impression that to his own amazement, the Marquis agrees to help launch them all into society. Lord Alverstoke can't resist wanting to help her Normally wary of his family, which includes two overbearing sisters and innumerable favor-seekers, Lord Alverstoke does his best to keep his distance.

The Merrivales, a family of solid social standing, have fallen into unhappy financial straits, and the marriage might deliver them from this situation. They have come to London for the glittering social season, in order to give young and beautiful Charis a chance to make a good marriage, she may be as hen-witted as she is beautiful. Frederica herself, a gay and witty charmer, believes herself happily beyond marriageable age -- she is twenty-four, after all. They boys are also very differents, Jessamy is an interesting boy, and Felix an engaging scamp. Frederica is saddened when her prime prospect, their distant cousin Lord Alverstroke, seems totally uninterested. But when they are introduced to London society by the Marquis of Alverstoke, they find themselves both besieged by more suitors than they can possibly handle!

With his enterprising - and altogether entertaining - country cousins getting into one scrape after another right on his doorstep, before he knows it the cold Marquis finds himself dangerously embroiled and plunged into one drama after another by the large and irrepressible Merriville family, Alverstoke is surprised to find himself far from bored. He is amazed to find herself, unknowingly, finds himself thoroughly beguiled by his distand cousins and, most intriguing of all, their strongminded sister Frederica, who seems more concerned with her family's welfare than his own distinguished attentions. And when his younger cousin ends up in a terrible accident, the dutiful Marquis becomes as chivalrous as ever to the those in his charge. And Frederica begins to imagine the Marquis as match... for herself.

Declare About Books Frederica

Author:Georgette Heyer
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 384 pages
Published:August 27th 1992 by Arrow (first published 1965)
Categories:Romance. Historical. Historical Fiction. Historical Romance. Regency. Fiction

Rating About Books Frederica
Ratings: 4.17 From 17356 Users | 1475 Reviews

Write-Up About Books Frederica
I'm going to use my two favorite words to describe this novel: Charming and Delightful. This is the third Georgette Heyer book I've read this summer, and I'm so glad I still have more than 30 of her Regency romances left to enjoy. Her books are a tonic, and I plan on saving them and bringing them out when I'm in high dudgeon.Frederica is a smart, no-nonsense heroine who has been saddled with the raising of her younger siblings since their parents passed away. At 24, she considers herself too old

This is one of my favorite Georgette Heyer books. I read it easily once a year. I'm afraid I'm going to gush all over this review, but I'll do my best to keep this coherent.The winning feature of this book is the Merriville family, particularly as they enmesh themselves into the carefully ordered life of Lord Alverstoke. In stark contrast to his sisters, who value him mainly for his vast wealth, he finds himself captivated by these "mere connections" as they seem actually interested in him.

The Marquis of Alverstoke is bored. He's especially bored with family and friends who try to get him to do things he doesn't want to do, like, say, put on a massive ball to launch his nieces in society. So when a distant, not-wealthy relative, Frederica Merriville, shows up, introduces herself and asks him to help introduce her beautiful younger sister into London society, he's really not inclined to help. But then Frederica's young brothers show up, and 13 year old Felix quizzes the Marquis on

Frederica is an old maid. She's been "on the shelf" for years and at this point in her life is mainly concerned with making sure her much lovelier younger sister finds the right man. She has no such ambitions for herself, as she knows her eligibility has long since come and gone. But she's fine with her lot in life! She's been mistress of her household for quite a while, and is quite used to holding the reins and looking after her younger sister and two younger brothers as only a devoted mother

This is one of my top three Heyer titles, and the audio narration by Clifford Norgate is just spot on. His vocalization of the marquess is a bit stuffier than I would like, and occasionally he veers off into Winston Churchill territory, but he does a very nice job with all of the female voices and especially with the two cute young boys who, for my money, make this a standout book. As all too often happens with Heyer, the ending is cut too short, and I would have enjoyed seeing more of Frederica

Sad to say that I found this rather disappointing and definitely not in my list of favourite Heyers: while I adore the pairing of Frederica herself and Alverstoke, they don't have enough page space or development in their relationship: she just keeps calling him 'abominable' while 'choking' back her chuckles (I was tempted to do a Kindle count of how many times those words were repeated...) until she suddenly realises she's in love with him after all and wham, they're engaged. Far too much time,

"A man need not be dull merely because he is respectable!""No, he need not be, but he often is" I am afraid Heyer was biased  in writting Frederica. In that she seemed to try to cram as many loveable characters as possible in this one novel!The cast here, to me, were extraordinary: Frederica, His Lordship, Jessamy and Felix. Oh Felix you adorable little genius thing you..LOLEven minor characters like Mr. Trevor or even Mrs. Jersey who was on screen no more than 5 times. they too were

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