List Containing Books Choke

Author:Chuck Palahniuk
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 293 pages
Published:June 2002 by Anchor Books (first published May 22nd 2001)
Categories:Fiction. Contemporary. Humor. Novels
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Choke Paperback | Pages: 293 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 181561 Users | 5854 Reviews

Ilustration Concering Books Choke

Victor Mancini, a medical-school dropout, is an antihero for our deranged times. Needing to pay elder care for his mother, Victor has devised an ingenious scam: he pretends to choke on pieces of food while dining in upscale restaurants. He then allows himself to be “saved” by fellow patrons who, feeling responsible for Victor’s life, go on to send checks to support him. When he’s not pulling this stunt, Victor cruises sexual addiction recovery workshops for action, visits his addled mom, and spends his days working at a colonial theme park. His creator, Chuck Palahniuk, is the visionary we need and the satirist we deserve.

Define Books Supposing Choke

Original Title: Choke
ISBN: 0385720920 (ISBN13: 9780385720922)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Victor Mancini, Denny, Ida Mancini, Paige Marshall
Setting: United States of America

Rating Containing Books Choke
Ratings: 3.7 From 181561 Users | 5854 Reviews

Weigh Up Containing Books Choke
"There is no human soul, and I am absolutely for sure seriously not going to fucking cry."reading a chuck palahniuk novel is like one of those long booze-soaked all-night discussions with someone you've just met. by the end of it you're convinced that you've solved all the world's problems, and how to proceed seems so clear. once you wake up in the morning you remember how good it was, but details are hazy and the big plans are gone. his books all share similar themes, but i find this to be at

"What would Jesus NOT do?"A sex addict who has fake-choked in so many restaurants that he has to start browsing the phone book for new material. A delusional mother, delusional doctor, delusional friends in a delusional life. There are so many great one liners throughout this book that if I highlighted, there would be more yellow than white within these covers.Chuck Palahniuk has a unique way of taking down the curtains we erect in our own minds to escape the cruel, stinking, insane realities of

If I could give it negative stars, I would. So many things I didn't like about the's a few in list format!1. No paragraphs...only phrases. It's hard to feel like youre reading a complete thought,'re not.2. I know using the word "Dude" is addictive, but oddly enough, it's even more annoying to read it over and over than to hear/say it.3. The way he always (and when I say always, I mean every time, every other page) referred to his penis as his 'dog' was nausiating. Really.

Wow! A book about a suburban white boy with low self-esteem and mommy issues! How novel! I've been told time and again by friends I otherwise respect to read Chuck Palahniuk. Well, I finally did, and it made me realize I've got too many friends. Choke is deeply funny in places, but at times it very much does not feel like it has any kind of natural rhythm, and it often seems contrived purely for the sake of the sick laugh. I haven't lost faith in Palahniuk and will probably read something else

5 stars.A broke college dropout pretends to choke on food in restaurants to scam people into paying him so he can afford to keep his demented mother in a treatment center. Even the blurb sounds like.. well it sounds like a Palahniuk novel. Told in short chapters alternating between past and present we meet Victor, a sexaholic who goes to 12 step meetings only to score more chicks and works in a history re-enactment theme park which he finds utterly stupid. We get a glimpse at his childhood, how

Fairly standard transgressional fiction, full of paranoid social deviants, conspiracy theories abound, femmes fatales, a twist endingyou get the idea. Choke is not drastically different from Palahniuks earlier (and better) novel, Fight Club. In fact, its far too similar. In Fight Club the primary metaphoric device was underground street fighting. In Choke, it is sexual addictions. Author works hard to shock the reader with graphic descriptions and sometimes funny slang, but the (intentionally)