Describe Out Of Books Bloody Bones (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5)

Title:Bloody Bones (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5)
Author:Laurell K. Hamilton
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 336 pages
Published:November 1st 2005 by Berkley Hardcover (first published October 1st 1996)
Categories:Fantasy. Urban Fantasy. Paranormal. Vampires. Romance. Horror
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Bloody Bones (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5) Hardcover | Pages: 336 pages
Rating: 4.11 | 67052 Users | 1260 Reviews

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In Laurell K. Hamilton's "New York Times" bestselling novels, Anita Blake, vampire hunter and animator, takes a bite out of crime-of the supernatural kind. But even someone who deals with death on a daily basis can be unnerved by its power... When Branson, Missouri, is hit with a death wave-four unsolved murders-it doesn't take an expert to realize that all is not well. But luckily for the locals, Anita is an expert-in just the kinds of preternatural goings-on that have everyone spooked. And she's got an "in" with just the kind of creature who can make sense of the slayings: a sexy master vampire known as Jean Claude.

Point Books Conducive To Bloody Bones (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5)

Original Title: Bloody Bones
ISBN: 0425205673 (ISBN13: 9780425205679)
Edition Language: English
Series: Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5
Characters: Anita Blake, Dolph Storr, Jean-Claude (Anita Blake series), Richard Zeeman, Jason Schuyler, Larry Kirkland, Bradley Bradford
Setting: Missouri(United States)

Rating Out Of Books Bloody Bones (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5)
Ratings: 4.11 From 67052 Users | 1260 Reviews

Rate Out Of Books Bloody Bones (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter #5)
Pretty entertaining, and I liked the Bloody Bones and fairy element.

it was a little all over the place near the end, but i still like it so far

"Bloody Bones" was the first of the out of town books. The key with the out of town books is who comes along for the ride. In this case, Jean-Claude, Jason, and Larry came along. Enough of the core people to keep it from feeling like one of the books that could be removed from the series without damaging the flow. (I'd argue that "Obsidian Butterfly" could be removed in that way. Maybe "Micah", as well.) We also got a little bit of Richard before Anita left town, so we got both of our leading

Bloody Bones continues Anita Blakes non-stop exploits in a book containing faerie characters and multiple story lines which added to the brilliant book. The gore factor is high in this book.(view spoiler)[Anita is requested to go to Branson to raise bodies for at wealthy investor, Mr. Sterling, who has interest in a piece of prime real estate to build a resort. To get there Anita shared a phobia of mine in traveling by helicopter. Glass bottom airborne motorcycles requires nerves beyond my

Come to me, child, and I will always be with you. I will hold you forever. - Serephina The most terrifying monster can see into your heart and give you all youve ever wanted. Anita has been called to the next town to raise the very old dead and hunt a child killing vampire. It will mean dealing with another Master of the City, a woman Jean Claude never wanted to see again.Anita is pretty awful to Jean Claude in this book but the vampire has long term plans... and theyre working. Some of my

Ms. Anita Blake and I have had a very rocky history in the short time she and I have made acquaintances. For the first few books, I was absolutely enthralled with her take-no-prisoners attitude, her bravado, and her insistence upon keeping the monsters in check. However, with The Lunatic Cafe, she became absolutely frustrating in her passionate distaste for Jean Claude. That is not to say that I was not already getting annoyed with her before then with the way she was treating him when he was

This was a really good story, powerful vampires, conniving humans and some fae thrown in for good measure. Not to mention un-dead pedophiles....yeah that's a disturbing one.Anita and Larry get the full limelight and it's a really good team story, the dynamic with Jean-Claude is fun too and although the subject is there the 'who-to-choose' romance isn't at the top of agenda.There's the usual mix of good and bad characters, odd individuals and true bad guys. There's guns and magic and blood and