Present Books During Blackout (Cal Leandros #6)

Original Title: Blackout
ISBN: 0451463862 (ISBN13: 9780451463869)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Cal Leandros #6
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Blackout (Cal Leandros #6) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 336 pages
Rating: 4.14 | 4272 Users | 209 Reviews

Relation To Books Blackout (Cal Leandros #6)

Loved, loved, loved. Thurman has done a lovely twist on the old amnesia device, successfully re-inventing Cal and writing a riveting book. While technically it could be a stand-alone book, it's genius is in the setting of the series and character development.

The sarcasm is much less dark and self-flagellating and closer to genuine playfulness--more than once I giggled with Cal's lines like "Sun in the sky, bacon in the skillet, and a cell phone for everyone past the first stage of mitosis." Then there was Miss Terrwyn saying, "You have a mouth on you, don't you? I was thinking you were the quiet sort, but maybe I was only thinking you should be the quiet sort." And Cal's boast of confidence, "While I might have the haircut of a sheepdog, I was one badass mother-effing sheepdog." Or during a fight with a pack of spiders: "The other one fell but dragged itself behind the refrigerator. Wasn't that always the way? Off to the ultimate spider sanctuary." The section with the mummified cats (view spoiler)[ in Robin's house was merited a laugh out loud--"Salome perched on top of that giant refrigerator with dimly glowing eyes crossed in pleasure... It was only right. Every power-mad villain merited minions." (hide spoiler)] It was been torture to put it down so I could do those annoying things like go to work and sleep.

The writing has flashes of beauty that I don't often see in the Leandros series, perhaps because it is so preoccupied with the darkness in Cal's life. Cal's re-introduction to Promise deserves mention: "she was more of a marble statue under a cascade of moonlight, smelling like flowers and ivy--the glory of a weeping graveyard angel."

I found the plot engrossing and still somewhat unpredictable, even as we knew it would revolve around the returning memories. Cal's memories started to return in fragments (view spoiler)[ but had the surprise of them receding again, both for organic and inorganic reasons. (hide spoiler)] Much better development than the stately pace or sudden return amnesia artifice.

Perhaps my only complain is that even on re-read, I'm still not sure about the gestalt moment when Cal pieced together (view spoiler)[ Niko's role in his memory impairment. It seems like a eureka! sort of moment that deserves more reflection, but instead we get cagey hints that Cal has realized something but needs to check it out. That coyness was inappropriate for such high-quality character development (hide spoiler)].

Warning, my star rating is entirely in context of the series--until Roadkill, I've been feeling like I was losing interest in the series. Roadkill gave it a new spark and Blackout set off fireworks.

Particularize Appertaining To Books Blackout (Cal Leandros #6)

Title:Blackout (Cal Leandros #6)
Author:Rob Thurman
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 336 pages
Published:March 1st 2011 by Ace Books
Categories:Fantasy. Urban Fantasy. Paranormal. Fiction. Vampires

Rating Appertaining To Books Blackout (Cal Leandros #6)
Ratings: 4.14 From 4272 Users | 209 Reviews

Judgment Appertaining To Books Blackout (Cal Leandros #6)
When I first heard that Cal would suffer amnesia in this installment, I was afraid it would mean he'd spend the entire book alone trying to find out who he is. But, Thurman is more imaginative than that. In fact, Niko finds Cal right away (duh). Cal still doesn't remember who he is, but alá Jason Bourne, he remembers how to kill, and he's not sure he likes who he was before. Blackout is a very different book from the first five of the series. The purpose of the underlying mystery is a means for

4.5 stars, just great. Cal's voice is so clear and the world feels so real (even Robin's sometimes fantastic stories - Oedipus, Khan, "release the kraken" - ring true) that I forget that I'm reading a book written by a regular human author. And a female one at that. Hope, despair, abiding love, deeply twisted humor, and sharp sarcasm, Thurman has it all. Plus Fang! If you guys haven't read the books about Eric the vampire and his car Fang by her buddy J.F. Lewis, you really should. They also

4 1/2 stars.I'm impressed that this series is still going strong and getting stronger at some levels.Given the blurb, I was afraid this book was going to be pitch dark, darker than Cal and Niko's wardrobe dark; but it surprised me. Of course it wasn't unicorns and rainbows happy--this series will never be that, and I wouldn't want it to be--but there were some genuinely funny moments and some heartfelt moments, as well. Thurman uses the partial amnesia plot device expertly. Instead of going with

It was good! This story was a nice refreshing change in this series and I enjoyed it. It shows what could have been, and makes you appreciate what it actually is even more.

5 Stars Blackout is the 6th adventure for the Leandros brothers. The Cal Leandros series by Rob Thurman has been a guilty pleasure series of reads for me that I have truly enjoyed reading. This is the first book in the series that I am giving full marks. Blackout is a smart set of story telling by Thurman. It was done when the series needed it most, basically giving a restart kick in the ass. Although the overall story line (amnesia) and plot (big scary baddie killing too many needs to be put

This is the sixth book in the Cal Leandros horror/urban-fantasy series. I love the central friendship between the two brothers, Cal and Niko. It makes me want to disappear into these books, into a world where they will always have each other's back. On the downside, the series leans more toward the horror end of the supernatural spectrum than I prefer. (For others, of course, this may be an upside.) If the same characters were transported into a work nearer fantasy than horror, I suspect I'd

You can see the following review also here: reading Roadkill I thought that I wouldnt love another book from this series as much as I loved that one. I am glad I was wrong. Blackout was a great book for many reasons. I was expecting a different kind of book. I thought that we were going to see Cals internal battle and after that his dark powers coming to life. What I actually see? A better understanding and acceptance of himself.Cal wakes up with