Present Epithetical Books The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town

Title:The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town
Author:John Grisham
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 360 pages
Published:October 10th 2006 by Doubleday Books
Categories:Nonfiction. Crime. True Crime. Mystery. Thriller. History. Law
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The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town Hardcover | Pages: 360 pages
Rating: 3.82 | 60338 Users | 4877 Reviews

Explanation Concering Books The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town

John Grisham's first work of nonfiction, an exploration of small town justice gone terribly awry, is his most extraordinary legal thriller yet.

In the major league draft of 1971, the first player chosen from the State of Oklahoma was Ron Williamson. When he signed with the Oakland A's, he said goodbye to his hometown of Ada and left to pursue his dreams of big league glory.

Six years later he was back, his dreams broken by a bad arm and bad habits—drinking, drugs, and women. He began to show signs of mental illness. Unable to keep a job, he moved in with his mother and slept twenty hours a day on her sofa.

In 1982, a 21-year-old cocktail waitress in Ada named Debra Sue Carter was raped and murdered, and for five years the police could not solve the crime. For reasons that were never clear, they suspected Ron Williamson and his friend Dennis Fritz. The two were finally arrested in 1987 and charged with capital murder.

With no physical evidence, the prosecution's case was built on junk science and the testimony of jailhouse snitches and convicts. Dennis Fritz was found guilty and given a life sentence. Ron Williamson was sent to death row.

If you believe that in America you are innocent until proven guilty, this book will shock you. If you believe in the death penalty, this book will disturb you. If you believe the criminal justice system is fair, this book will infuriate you.

Describe Books Supposing The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town

Original Title: The Innocent Man
ISBN: 0385517238 (ISBN13: 9780385517232)
Edition Language: English
Setting: United States of America Oklahoma(United States)

Rating Epithetical Books The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town
Ratings: 3.82 From 60338 Users | 4877 Reviews

Judge Epithetical Books The Innocent Man: Murder and Injustice in a Small Town
The pull of this story is the fact that it is not fiction. The book was tagged as something every American should read..but this is not happening only across the USA. It is a very sad fact that applies globally. After Ive read this, I am left with a couple of thoughts about law enforcement personnel who would go to extreme measures to solve a case even at the expense of prosecuting the non-guilty can they really be that bad to the core, or are they just so much in a hurry to resolve a case,

A true story by John Grisham.Although I did enjoy this book I felt it required editing by approximately 100 pages to avoid the tedious parts.A very disturbing true story that is written well by John Grisham in the main but rambles on too much at times with unnecessary details and sub plots. I feel pretty sure that given a good edit I would have enjoyed this far more and awarded a higher rating.

I've enjoyed a few Grisham's in my day, and of course seen a few of the films... But this book is stunning, and it's his first non-fiction.I myself practice criminal law, and of course if you asked me, I'd say there are bad cops out there, and bad prosecutors, and bad defense attorneys and bad judges, but I would not have imagined the devastating travesty that unfolds on these pages.This is a story of small town justice going way south. It wasn't vigilante but it wasn't far off. They used the

I preferred this (and Time to Kill) because he deviated from his usual "prescriptive" writing.

Nonfiction is hard to write because you have to strive to stick to the facts, and facts have a way of changing shape as each new perspective is brought into play.

This is John Grisham's first Non Ficiion. It focuses on a young athlete wrongly convicted of a crime he did not commit.It is a scathing look at our criminal justice system and a story of sadness, tragedy and gross incompetence. It is also quite long and took me a great deal of time to finish but is very well written. I always love Grisham's work and this book, although tough to follow at times and very tragic, is poignant because of its reality. Unlike the characters in Grisam's fiction novels,

This type of work is necessary so that the world at large can learn how sick the legal system can be! (specifically America in this work; how much more elsewhere). I am reminded of an acquaintance of mine here in west Africa who spent over half a year in jail just because he was suspected of stealing something he knew nothing about! Reading this book, the mind boggles!! How can kids eg have their whole lives ruined spent in jail/death row after being forced and coerced to confess to crimes they