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Details Books Toward Lily's Crossing

Original Title: Lily's Crossing
ISBN: 0440414539 (ISBN13: 9780440414537)
Edition Language: English
Setting: Rockaway, Queens, New York,1944(United States)
Literary Awards: Newbery Medal Nominee (1998), Audie Award for Children's Titles (1999), Dorothy Canfield Fisher Children's Book Award Nominee (1999)
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Lily's Crossing Paperback | Pages: 181 pages
Rating: 3.87 | 8581 Users | 646 Reviews

Narration As Books Lily's Crossing

Author Patricia Reilly Giff's Newbery Honor-winning Lily's Crossing is now available for the first time in paperback!

Every summer Lily and her father go to her family's house in Rockaway, near the Atlantic Ocean. But the summer of 1944 is different. World War II has called Lily's father overseas, Lily's best friend Margaret had to move with her family to a wartime factory town, and Lily is forced to live with her grandmother. But then a boy named Albert, a refugee from Hungary, comes to live in Rockaway. He has lost most of his family to the war. Soon he and Lily form a special friendship, and they have secrets to share. But they have both told lies, and Lily's lie may cost Albert his life.

Present Epithetical Books Lily's Crossing

Title:Lily's Crossing
Author:Patricia Reilly Giff
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 181 pages
Published:January 12th 1999 by Yearling Books (first published January 1st 1997)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Young Adult. Fiction

Rating Epithetical Books Lily's Crossing
Ratings: 3.87 From 8581 Users | 646 Reviews

Evaluation Epithetical Books Lily's Crossing
Lily loves to lie. The lies flow fast and easy. Each time she vows not to lie, another one slides right on out of her mouth. Lily just cannot help herself.The setting is Rockaway, NJ where Lily, her grandmother and father spend idyllic summers. But the summer of 1944 is different and lives are changed because of WWII. Lily's best friend moves to Detroit where her father can build bombs, the seaside boardwalk is empty and Lily's father is going oversees to fight in the war.Having lost a mother in

Listening to the audio at lunch times. CC2 World Wars study. My mom has already listened to this and really liked it...krb 3/2/17Good audio. Ellie and Mom rates 3 1/2 stars. Seeing the war through the eyes of children and the effects it had on them...krb 3/13/17

This is the first book I am rating so it might no be very good. Anyway, Lilly's Crossing is about a girl in the hard times of World War 2 she is all alone in her summer home until an immigrant her age comes to town his name is Albert from Hungary he had to leave his sister in France. He is alone too. But they come very close. But after the summer when Lilly leaves to go back to school will they ever see each other again? (this book is historical fiction) -heather kroesche

LILYS CROSSING ⭐⭐⭐⭐ I read this middle grade book as part of my personal challenge to read books recommended by my family. My sister read LILYS CROSSING in elementary school and asked me to read this milestone, childhood book. I loved the different layers of the story. Lily is an American girl living out adventures on her summer vacation during WW2. So much of her world comes undone, but Lilys spirit, hopefulness, and spunkiness prevail.

This is a wonderful story set in the mid-40s just towards the end of World War II. Lily is a young girl with a huge imagination and a bad habit of lying. Her mother died when she was little and she is being raised by her father and her grandmother. For a girl in America, the war seems far away and doesn't affect her until her father joins the army and is shipped overseas. When she meets Albert, a refugee from Hungary, she learns first hand how war can affect a family. I love how the author

I debated the rating on this quite a bit. Finally, based on a comparison with other books I've recently rated a 2, I had to go with 1 star because this one was just so much worse. First things first: Lily is a MAJOR brat. I couldn't get over how many awful character traits she had. I don't mind flawed characters, in fact I typically like them best, but the problem with Lily is she rarely seems to learn from her mistakes. Honestly, I would hate teaching this child. If I don't like the MC, I have

I especially enjoyed all the descriptions of the beach, water, boating, swimming, etc in this story-it made it very easy to identify with the main character.

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