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Rebel Angels (Gemma Doyle #2) Paperback | Pages: 548 pages
Rating: 3.94 | 101270 Users | 3308 Reviews

Details Out Of Books Rebel Angels (Gemma Doyle #2)

Title:Rebel Angels (Gemma Doyle #2)
Author:Libba Bray
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 548 pages
Published:December 26th 2006 by Ember (first published August 23rd 2005)
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Romance. Paranormal

Explanation Conducive To Books Rebel Angels (Gemma Doyle #2)

Ah, Christmas! Gemma Doyle is looking forward to a holiday from Spence Academy, spending time with her friends in the city, attending ritzy balls, and on a somber note, tending to her ailing father. As she prepares to ring in the New Year, 1896, a handsome young man, Lord Denby, has set his sights on Gemma, or so it seems. Yet amidst the distractions of London, Gemma’s visions intensify–visions of three girls dressed in white, to whom something horrific has happened, something only the realms can explain...

The lure is strong, and before long, Gemma, Felicity, and Ann are turning flowers into butterflies in the enchanted world of the realms that Gemma alone can bring them to. To the girls’ great joy, their beloved Pippa is there as well, eager to complete their circle of friendship.

But all is not well in the realms–or out. The mysterious Kartik has reappeared, telling Gemma she must find the Temple and bind the magic, else great disaster will befall her. Gemma’s willing to do his intrusive bidding, despite the dangers it brings, for it means she will meet up with her mother’s greatest friend–and now her foe, Circe. Until Circe is destroyed, Gemma cannot live out her destiny. But finding Circe proves a most perilous task.

Describe Books Supposing Rebel Angels (Gemma Doyle #2)

Original Title: Rebel Angels
ISBN: 0385733410 (ISBN13: 9780385733410)
Edition Language: English
Series: Gemma Doyle #2
Characters: Gemma Doyle, Kartik, Ann Bradshaw, Felicity Worthington, Pippa Cross
Setting: United Kingdom

Rating Out Of Books Rebel Angels (Gemma Doyle #2)
Ratings: 3.94 From 101270 Users | 3308 Reviews

Notice Out Of Books Rebel Angels (Gemma Doyle #2)
Why do I like Rebel Angels so much more than A Great And Terrible Beauty? That's easy: Balls.Not THOSE kinds of balls. These kinds:Maybe because all those par-tays made the pace of the novel seem faster and the story more compelling. But, also, we get to see Gemma interact with her family and the snooty-high-society all around her. This makes for some excellent characterization of both the major and secondary characters.Would this series have been able to sustain itself without a love-triangle?

I can't decide which book is better. Ah but the second is great. Gemma has the same fire, the character development is as good as it was in the first. New characters are dark. My favorite newie? Nell Hawkins. Oh and my thoughts on Simon Middleton, handsome, but I'm still praying for a romantic relationship between Gemma and Kartik, more fire, tension, and mystery, who can't love that? All I can say is that Felicity's, Gemma's and Ann's journey for the temple is a great one. As good as the first,

I was really scared of how this book would turn out because I loved the first book in the series. And I didn't want any of the characters to die or anything. But I had to pick this book up because I wanted to know what happens next. And I am so glad that I picked it up. Sometimes we seek that which we are not yet ready to find. This book continues off after A Great and Terrible Beauty, it is the second book in the series. If you haven't heard about it, it's pretty much about a girl named

Rebel Angels did a lot more for me than its precursor, A Great and Terrible Beauty. This I'm mainly going to attribute to the London setting, which I loved probably too much.Bray's Victorian London was dark and interesting, and you got to see a lot of it, which I really appreciated. Her London society, however, I found a little wobbly and lacking at certain points, but it still gave the story an enjoyable twist.One thing I do like about this series is that it addresses certain issues that are

I'm surprised she did not see it coming! If you have read my review of the first book, you'd see at how I might be inconsistent with it. With a really good prose [this time], this is an excellent follow up of the first book.It's good seeing the development of the characters, although I still think they are a hateful bunch. But it was still nice enough to make me want to read the last book in the series.!

Book Name: Rebel AngelsAuthor/s: Libba BrayLanguage EnglishOriginal Title:Rebel AngelsPublisher, year: Simon and Schuster, 2007Page total:548Date Read: june 27-28Genre/s: YA, fantasy, paranormal, historical fictionFirst line of Book:"Herein lies the faithful and true account of my last sixty days, by Kartik, brother of Amar, loyal son of the Rakshana, and of the strange visitation I received that has left me wary on this cold English night."Review: This is a relatively good sequel to A GREAT AND

I liked this book less than book 1, A Great and Terrible Beauty, probably because it felt as though the author decided to add a few heaping spoonfuls of More Social Issues to a book that didn't need them. Book 1's take on feminism and ways that teenage girls suck toward each other and themselves was a bit heavy-handed and artless, but certainly in line with general expectations of the genre. And therein, perhaps, lies the problem. I think we may have a case of an author who decided she wanted to