Specify Books During Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women

Original Title: Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
ISBN: 0307345424 (ISBN13: 9780307345424)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: California Book Award for Nonfiction (Silver) (1991), National Book Critics Circle Award for General Nonfiction (1991)
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Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women Paperback | Pages: 594 pages
Rating: 4 | 8420 Users | 270 Reviews

Present About Books Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women

Title:Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
Author:Susan Faludi
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 594 pages
Published:August 15th 2006 by Broadway Books (first published October 1st 1991)
Categories:Feminism. Nonfiction. Politics. History. Sociology. Gender. Womens

Explanation Concering Books Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women

Skillfully Probing the Attack on Women’s Rights

“Opting-out,” “security moms,” “desperate housewives,” “the new baby fever”—the trend stories of 2006 leave no doubt that American women are still being barraged by the same backlash messages that Susan Faludi brilliantly exposed in her 1991 bestselling book of revelations. Now, the book that reignited the feminist movement is back in a fifteenth anniversary edition, with a new preface by the author that brings backlash consciousness up to date.

When it was first published, Backlash made headlines for puncturing such favorite media myths as the “infertility epidemic” and the “man shortage,” myths that defied statistical realities. These willfully fictitious media campaigns added up to an antifeminist backlash. Whatever progress feminism has recently made, Faludi’s words today seem prophetic. The media still love stories about stay-at-home moms and the “dangers” of women’s career ambitions; the glass ceiling is still low; women are still punished for wanting to succeed; basic reproductive rights are still hanging by a thread. The backlash clearly exists.

With passion and precision, Faludi shows in her new preface how the creators of commercial culture distort feminist concepts to sell products while selling women downstream, how the feminist ethic of economic independence is twisted into the consumer ethic of buying power, and how the feminist quest for self-determination is warped into a self-centered quest for self-improvement. Backlash is a classic of feminism, an alarm bell for women of every generation, reminding us of the dangers that we still face.

Rating About Books Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
Ratings: 4 From 8420 Users | 270 Reviews

Commentary About Books Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
Wondering where the backlash against womyn came from this decade? Read this book. The backlash has always been with us and will always be with us. The good news? The backlash can be sent into full-fledged retreat. It's a bully. And what happens when you stand up to a bully? Yes, that's right, the bully almost always backs down and sometimes even flees.

I should note that I read the 1992 original version of this book. I'd love to read the updated version. At any rate, I went into this book open minded but by no means sold on her thesis. I came out the other end totally convinced. This is a solid work of well-written, well-researched scholarship that drives home her undeniable theses that career women are not "suffering" for their pursuits and that there is a determined effort to create a public perception of how "dangerous" feminism has been

So incredibly readable. I love the analysis she provides of tv and film. This is definitely a feminist text to be reckoned with. It is most definitely lengthy, but I think each chapter can be read on its own and in no particular order.

First Thoughts: This book shows how LITTLE things have changed since the 80's/90's. How much we still have left to do.To put this in perspective, I was born in 1989, and this book was published in 1991. This book was published about TWENTY-THREE years ago.This book made me angry, and also depressed me at times, because of the above statement.I had to put it down for a while because I couldn't handle it all in one dose.I suggest reading my updates for quotes.

Faludi takes on the 80s, decade of big hair, bad music, and, she claims, a new kind of backlash against feminism. Her thesis is that pop-culture of the 80s told women they had been liberated by the women's movement of the last decade, but were now suffering because of the very gains made by women's lib. She quips: it must be all that equality that's causing all that pain--But what equality?Faludi's book has two main goals then, to bust the backlash myth that feminism is responsible for women's

A massive work documenting abuses against women who were subjected to glamorisation campaign of love/family life that had little to do with reality, and a very strong campaign - both grassroots and coming from the top - against their presence in the workplace, which, in turn, had very little to do with their very real economic needs. This book is a document of how (at least some) women's health, mental health, and even lives were compromised to keep them at home with children, away from birth

You look at this book, my edition was published in 1992 and you kinda ask what relevance there is to this book, I mean it's over 20 years old, yeah, and we've learned nothing. We're revisiting the same old tired shite again and again, being told that feminism is over, that people are tired of hearing about it that we have equality, why are we still fighting?Because 20 years later we still:Have inequity in wagesHave poor representation in TV and film and if we speak out less than men in debates