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Original Title: The Familiars
ISBN: 0061961086 (ISBN13: 9780061961083)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: The Familiars #1
Literary Awards: Goodreads Choice Award Nominee (2010)
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The Familiars (The Familiars #1) Hardcover | Pages: 360 pages
Rating: 4.08 | 7789 Users | 737 Reviews

Description To Books The Familiars (The Familiars #1)

Is the kingdom's fate in the hands of an orphan cat? Running fast to save his life, Aldwyn ducks into an unusual pet store. Moments later Jack, a young wizard in training, comes in to choose a magical animal to be his familiar. Jack thinks his birthday pet is magical, and Aldwyn plays along.

He just has to convince the other familiars -- know-it-all blue jay Skylar and unsure tree frog Gilbert that he's as powerful as he claims. Then the unthinkable happens. Jack and two other young wizards are captured by the evil queen of Vastia. The familiars face dangerous foes, unearth a shocking centuries-old secret, and discover a destiny that will change Vastia forever.

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Title:The Familiars (The Familiars #1)
Author:Adam Jay Epstein
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 360 pages
Published:September 7th 2010 by HarperCollins
Categories:Fantasy. Animals. Childrens. Middle Grade. Magic. Adventure. Young Adult

Rating Out Of Books The Familiars (The Familiars #1)
Ratings: 4.08 From 7789 Users | 737 Reviews

Criticism Out Of Books The Familiars (The Familiars #1)
Okay so Im not a fan of books where animals speak and the story generally revolves around animals (and no, I never read that Warrior series). I used to love the movies centering around animals as a kid (Hello, Homeward Bound and Beethoven), but outgrew them in my teenage years.Then The Familiars made its way through the blogosphere.. well, I would say.. burst its way instead of made its way. Im seeing this book everywhere. My dislike of animal books kept me from outright buying it.. but now

Read this aloud to my 6-year-old. It was full of adventures and great for her age. Not much is original in terms of characters or plot, but my daughter didn't notice. She was excited to get the next one immediately from the library.

Why I read this: I thought The Familiars looked like a fun, middle grade fantasy and it's also a debut novel.Plot: A Typical fantasy plot - three human wizard apprentices are captured and the familiars must save them. Definitely full of twists, as Aldwyn has to hide his secret of having no magical abilities. Action-packed with time to build relationships, The Familiars is a great middle grade fantasy that many kids and teens will get a kick out of.Characters: I really loved Aldwyn. He's an alley

Entertaining enough for me to finish, but not an overly great read. The characters seemed a little one dimensional - brave feline, sly/brainy jay and foolish frog (sound a little familair? It's like a furry Harry Potter). I felt sorry for Gilbert, his entire presence in the plot seemed to be to bumble around, make an idiot of himself and get mocked by all and sundry (ok, so he's more a Neville than a Ron). Plus there is no way you could disguise a frog as a chicken! Why did the jay with her

Can't believe they are making this one into a film. On second thought, the predictable plot and stock characters have sold tickets before, so why wouldn't they rip-off the old, repackage it, and sell it to us again?

I really had no idea what I would think of The Familiars. I knew, however, that I was very eager to read it. So eager, in fact that I abandoned another book I was reading just to read this one. And boy, am I happy I did.One unique thing about this book was that the main characters are animals. I know talking animals may seem weird at first, but once you get to know them more as characters, you forget about their animal-ness. I knew I loved each of the familiars personalities and wanted each of

Aldwyn has always been a typical, if rather clever, alley cat trying to survive the streets of Vastia's capitol city. When he is forced to hide in a pet shop while fleeing from the most dreaded animal bounty hunter in the land, a young wizard named Jack selects him to be his new familiar. Since only magical animals can serve as familiars, everyone including Jack and the familiars of Jack's two classmates all assume that Aldwyn is a magical cat too. Only Aldwyn knows the truth -- that he's an

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