Identify About Books واحة الغروب

Title:واحة الغروب
Author:Bahaa Taher
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 325 pages
Published:March 1st 2008 by دار الشروق (first published November 1st 2006)
Categories:Novels. Fiction
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واحة الغروب Paperback | Pages: 325 pages
Rating: 3.82 | 12534 Users | 1535 Reviews

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هذه الرواية حاصلة على الجائزة العالمية للرواية العربية 2008
وقد طبع منها 3 طبعات خلال سنة
يعود بهاء طاهر فى روايته الجديدة والبديعة «واحة الغروب» والتى لاقت نجاحا جماهيريا واستحسانا نقديا كبيرا، إلى نهايات القرن التاسع عشر، وبداية الاحتلال البريطانى لمصر.
حيث يُرسل ضابط البوليس المصرى محمود عبدالظاهر، والذى كان يعيش حياة لاهية بين الحانات وبنات الليل، إلى واحة سيوة لشك السلطات فى تعاطفه مع الأفكار الثورية لجمال الدين الأفغانى وأحمد عرابى.
فيصطحب زوجته الأيرلندية «كاثرين» الشغوفة بالآثار، والتى تبحث عن مقبرة الإسكندر الأكبر، لينغمسا فى عالم جديد شديد الثراء والخصوصية يجبرهما وأهل الواحة على مواجهة أنفسهم فى زمن اختلطت فيه الانتهازية والخيانة والرغبة بالحب والبطولة.
تعكس أحداث الرواية أيضا مزجا إبداعيا بين الماضى والحاضر وال.... والموضوعى والتاريخ والواقع يعبر عن هموم الوطن كما يقدم تجربة العلاقة بين الشرق والغرب على المستويين الإنسانى والحضارى بما فيها من صراع وتوافق

Point Books In Pursuance Of واحة الغروب

Original Title: واحة الغروب ISBN13 6221102019422
Edition Language: Arabic URL
Characters: Alexander the Great, الضابط محمود عبد الظاهر, كاثرين, مليكة, الشيخ يحيى, فيونا
Setting: Siwa(Egypt) Cairo(Egypt) Alexandria,1882(Egypt)
Literary Awards: Independent Foreign Fiction Prize Nominee for Longlist (2010), الجائزة العالمية للرواية العربية (أي باف) / International Prize for Arabic Fiction (IPAF) (2008), Saif Ghobash Banipal Prize Nominee for Arabic Literary Translation (2010)

Rating About Books واحة الغروب
Ratings: 3.82 From 12534 Users | 1535 Reviews

Judge About Books واحة الغروب
i loved the oasis from the description the author had written.. but the ending wasn't satisfying.. but as a whole a must read book.. a bit depressing but i realised from the begining that mahmoud will die.. but the suspense of how or when.. but his death yet was surprising.. and katherine and sheikh saber and wasfy i hated so much.. so many traditions and oasis rules.. yet remains a mystery..

I couldn't read more than 10 pagesBaha is good and nice gentleman, but his writing make me feel sick.

I fell in love with the novel. I fell in love with the way the characters spoke their minds to us and described their emotions in a very subtle way. I also liked how the writer divided the novel, he gave us space to read the events from the points of views of different characters of the novel.But the ending disappointed me to a very great extent, as if the writer is saying one cannot live after being so angry with ones self. As if he is saying that people who are angry with themselves because of

I've had this book in my shelves for over 4 years now. I picked it last week and was shook at how fast-paced and well-written this is! The character development in this book is very impressive! I found myself daydreaming about coming back home from work to continue reading this hahaAlso, I got to learn a lot about multiple eras of Egyptian history that are not commonly delved-into in Arabic literature.

It made my weekend <3

I enjoyed this book and liked the way the narration switched between Mahmood and Catherine. However, I wasn't as keen on the other narratives being included and in particular disliked the musings of Alexander the Great. I am pleased to have read this book and widened my knowledge of world literature, but it wasn't so good that I would go out of my way to read another novel by Bahaa Taher.

I love Bahaas elegant style in picking his words & descriptions , I liked the book a lot , this is the 2nd novel I read for him , but again I am facing that gloomy desperate internal conflict for reaching peace ! ..(making peace with yourself) !!, like if it impossible to accomplish such precious balance !!The events took place in Siwa Oiasis , that magical place that inspired a lot ! The timing is at the late of the 19th century , after the British military occupation of Egypt ..Here , we