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Free Books Online The Dream Hunter (Dark-Hunter #10) Download
The Dream Hunter (Dark-Hunter #10) Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 340 pages
Rating: 4.07 | 39471 Users | 958 Reviews

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Title:The Dream Hunter (Dark-Hunter #10)
Author:Sherrilyn Kenyon
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 340 pages
Published:February 6th 2007 by St. Martin's Press
Categories:Romance. Paranormal Romance. Fantasy. Paranormal. Vampires

Representaion Conducive To Books The Dream Hunter (Dark-Hunter #10)

In the ethereal world of dreams, there are champions who fight to protect the dreamer and there are demons who prey on them...

Arik is such a predator. Condemned by the gods to live eternity without emotions, Arik can only feel when he's in the dreams of others. For thousands of years, he's drifted through the human unconscious, searching for sensation. Now he's finally found a dreamer whose vivid mind can fill his emptiness.

Dr. Megeara Kafieri watched her father ruin himself and his reputation as he searched to prove Atlantis was real. Her deathbed promise to him to salvage his reputation has now brought her to Greece where she intends to prove once and for all that the fabled island is right where her father said it was. But frustration and bad luck dog her every step. Especially the day they find a stranger floating in the sea. His is a face she's seen many times.... in her dreams.

What she doesn't know is that Arik holds more than the ancient secrets that can help her find the mythical isle of Atlantis. He has made a pact with the god Hades: In exchange for two weeks as a mortal man, he must return to Olympus with a human soul. Megeara's soul.

With a secret society out to ruin her expedition, and mysterious accidents that keep threatening her life, Megeara refuses to quit. She knows she's getting closer to Atlantis and as she does, she stumbles onto the truth of what Arik really is.

For Arik his quest is no longer simple. No human can know of a Dream-Hunter's existence. His dream of being mortal has quickly turned into his own nightmare and the only way to save himself will be to sacrifice the very thing he wanted to be human for. The only question is, will he?

Point Books Toward The Dream Hunter (Dark-Hunter #10)

Original Title: The Dream Hunter
ISBN: 0312938810 (ISBN13: 9780312938819)
Edition Language: English
Series: Dark-Hunter #10, Dream-Hunters #1, Hunter Legends
Series: #13 , more
Characters: Megeara Kafieri, Arikos Oneroi Skotos, Katra Agrotera, Apollymi, Solin Catranides, Soteria Eleni Athena Kafieri
Setting: Santorini,1996(Greece)

Rating Appertaining To Books The Dream Hunter (Dark-Hunter #10)
Ratings: 4.07 From 39471 Users | 958 Reviews

Column Appertaining To Books The Dream Hunter (Dark-Hunter #10)
2.5 starsI have a couple other series that Im about 11 books in and they can still get me all fangirl-squee-hyperventilating and whatnot. I wish I could say the same for this series. I wish, I wish, I wish.Geary (short for Mageara) and her family have been searching for Atlantis. Meanwhile a dream hunter, Arik, has been stalking her in her dreams. While in her dreams Arik desperately wants to be with her outside of the dreaming realm so he strikes a deal with the devil. Hades only needs one

I'm a fan of the Dark Hunters - Dark, damaged, bad*ss alpha males hunting Daemons & protecting mankind - all with intriguing backstories. BBF/Hero material. While Dream Hunter Arik, is certainly damaged and on the high end of the SexOmeter - I had some trouble feeling empathy with him in the same way as I have the Dark Hunters. The story was slow to draw me in as I missed some of the intensity of other books in the series.Arik bargains with Hades for two weeks as a human in order to

This was another great installment in the Dark-Hunter series. Though I guess this was really a Dream-Hunter book. It had the usual mix of romance, humor, and action that you would expect from the series, and also included some interesting subplots as well as an interesting main story arc.Arik is an emotionless Skotos who only feels emotions when he drains them from humans in their dreams. When he encounters the dreams of the Atlantis seeking Megeara Kafieri he is drawn to her unlike any human he

3.5 Stars I was back and forth on this book. It had awesome highs and some pretty meh lows. In the beginning there was a lot of information and new characters that I could barely keep up, but the ending made me round up to 4 instead of 3. Oh BTW Chapter 20:

I hesitated to write a review for this book because though I enjoyed some parts, I found the majority of the book slow and filled with repetitive information that fans of the Dark Hunter series would already know. Arik is a likable hero because he's a rule breaking bad ass that can fight. He is also willing to trade his life for the woman he loves. Arik was lost in the real world and needed guidance from his brother Solin in wooing Geary. Solin is a very interesting character with a dark past

This is the first book of the Dream-Hunters, but they've made appearances already in the Dark-Hunter books. The story predates all the DH & Were-Hunter books (if you're reading them in the author's DH Universe suggested order). The prologue is in 1994 & the story in 1996. That I've already read 17 books/stories in the DH universe & know what's going to happen, this book was super annoying. 1.5 starsPlot: Geary has a ph.d in history - ancient civilizations and comes from a long line

Wow i LOVED this edition and a new form of characters to throw into the mix!!!! Arik was fantastic such a likeable character as was Solin Kat Geary and Tori!Geary while trying to find Atlantis has erotic dreams featuring the Skoti God Arik, as the emotionless curse put on his kind starts to weaken Arik starts to truly crave Geary and makes a deal with Hades, helping Geary find Atlantis he enlists the help of the one who condemned him in the first place Solin. The reader uncovers a whole new

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