Be Specific About Books During Métaphysique des tubes

Original Title: Métaphysique des tubes
ISBN: 2253152846 (ISBN13: 9782253152842)
Edition Language: French
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Métaphysique des tubes Mass Market Paperback | Pages: 156 pages
Rating: 3.88 | 8979 Users | 537 Reviews

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Title:Métaphysique des tubes
Author:Amélie Nothomb
Book Format:Mass Market Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 156 pages
Published:January 10th 2004 by Le Livre de Poche (first published 2000)
Categories:Fiction. Cultural. France. Contemporary. Japan. Roman

Interpretation Concering Books Métaphysique des tubes

"Il existe des êtres qui ne subissent pas la loi de l'évolution. Ce sont les légumes cliniques", ou des tubes par où circule seule la nourriture. Ces tubes ne sont pas pour autant sans cervelle puisqu'il arrive que celle-ci, suite à un "accident fatal", se réveille soudain, et déclenche la vie. C'est exactement ce qu'a vécu la (très) jeune narratrice de Métaphysique des tubes durant les deux premières années de sa vie qui furent muettes, immobiles, végétatives, bref divines. Au sens propre, car ce singulier bébé n'ignore pas qu'il est Dieu lui-même, méditant sur ce monde qu'il hésite à rejoindre. Sous forme de monologues intérieurs, considérations philosophico-drolatiques, on déguste le récit de ces trois premières années d'une vie française au Japon, pays merveilleux où de la naissance à la maternelle, l'enfant est un dieu.

Rating Regarding Books Métaphysique des tubes
Ratings: 3.88 From 8979 Users | 537 Reviews

Write-Up Regarding Books Métaphysique des tubes
That's what I can call a talented writer !

This is a very unusual book for me, and, in general, I am glad I read it. I found some parts to be really interesting, for example, the portrayal of a bilingual child, because I found it very relatable. The book also allowed me to learn a little about the Japanese culture and the way people there think. However, I did not like the book. The main reason for that being one of the main issues raised by the author - the issue of feminism. Of course, a two year old child cannot be expected to view

A more detailed description of Amelie's childhood. Like all her autobiographical works, I loved it!The beginning was a most awkward and fascinating one. She awakes at the taste of chocolate, oh Amelie, I think I understand what you are trying to say. Chocolate is a most exquisite food, is it not? :)When the "tube" finally awakens we get to see her experience in the beautiful Japan. I do think I loved Japan more through her eye. Every-time I hear about this country I fall in love again, they are

French is not my first language, nor my second. So the first times I started reading this I never got past page 17. For many months I ignored the book. Then a week ago I took it with me on the train and when I got home again I had reached page 57. This is an amazing book, written from the point of view of a child between two-and-a-half and three years old, except for the first part of the book where the same child has a rather strange start in life which is told in third person (but still as

Okosama, the lord child. As a child, the whole world revolves around you, that makes you god in your own eyes. The book is a narration of the authors first three years of life told by an adult and how she remembers those three years. The book focuses on self-awareness and development. I loved the references to words and language, the author seems to place weight on etymology through easily understandable, light and funny sentences. i liked the symbolism of the fish, and her feelings towards

This is a book about babyhood and childhood told as if an adult could interpret how a very small child actually thinks, but also giving the child the adult abilities of talking and reading. I loved the book, not least because it was suitably short, but it turns out that her one, not quite phobia, but absolute real dislike, is also mine, and for the same reason too. I intensely dislike koi, or carp, waiting to be fed with their mouths open and being able to see their disgusting rubbery lips and

I have to say, Nothomb's books fascinate me. It's best not to read them as memoirs, though she draws from her life, as she freely admits she loves to lie and doesn't care if she's believed. That said, this is the story of a child/God/tube from day one to shortly after her third birthday. From scrupulously debating within herself what should be her third spoken word to finally confessing to her parents she knows how to speak (complex thoughts in complex sentences), Nothomb's little creation bears