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Original Title: Revival
ISBN: 1476770387 (ISBN13: 9781476770383)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Locus Award Nominee for Best Fantasy Novel (2015)
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Revival Hardcover | Pages: 405 pages
Rating: 3.77 | 93808 Users | 10397 Reviews

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Author:Stephen King
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 405 pages
Published:November 11th 2014 by Scribner Book Company
Categories:Horror. Fiction. Thriller

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In a small New England town, in the early 60s, a shadow falls over a small boy playing with his toy soldiers. Jamie Morton looks up to see a striking man, the new minister. Charles Jacobs, along with his beautiful wife, will transform the local church. The men and boys are all a bit in love with Mrs Jacobs; the women and girls – including Jamie’s mother and beloved sister – feel the same about Reverend Jacobs. With Jamie, the Reverend shares a deeper bond, based on their fascination with simple experiments in electricity.

Then tragedy strikes the Jacobs family; the preacher curses God, mocking all religious belief, and is banished from the shocked town.

Jamie has demons of his own. In his mid-thirties, he is living a nomadic lifestyle of bar-band rock and roll. Addicted to heroin, stranded, desperate, he sees Jacobs again – a showman on stage, creating dazzling ‘portraits in lightning’ – and their meeting has profound consequences for both men. Their bond becomes a pact beyond even the Devil’s devising, and Jamie discovers that revival has many meanings. Because for every cure there is a price…

This rich and disturbing novel spans five decades on its way to the most terrifying conclusion Stephen King has ever written. It’s a masterpiece from King, in the great American tradition of Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edgar Allan Poe.

Rating Based On Books Revival
Ratings: 3.77 From 93808 Users | 10397 Reviews

Column Based On Books Revival
In his best short fiction, Edgar Allan Poe achieved a "unity of effect." In tales like "The Tell-Tale Heart" and "Masque of the Red Death," the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. Each word, each turn of phrase flows toward a swirling vortex, a glowing, pulsing spire that pierces the steely thunderheads and rivets your gaze even as it threatens to lay waste to everything around it. More on that later. This unity of effect is difficult enough to create in a short piece of fiction. Thomas

Let me say something up front: King is my favorite author. I'm not a 'hater' by any stretch of the imagination. I've read all his books multiple times. This novel is just that bad. I realize I'm going to get a whole lot of hate for this review but I refuse to hold my tongue on this. This isn't 'classic King'. There is no 'slow burn'. This is just lazy, shitty writing with an overly hyped and dramatic ending that was stupid and cliche.One of the things I loved about King (yes, past tense there)

Something happened.Mother fuck..I'm gonna have nightmares from this shit.The story begins with young Jamie outside playing war with some army soldiers his sister had gotten him for his birthday. A man's shadow falls across him and so begins what Jamie calls his "fifth business." This book is somewhat of a coming of age story. The reader gets to grow up with Jamie and we are all involved with Reverend Charles Jacobs too..whether we want to be or not.Jamie's story takes you through five decades

God, The cover is so attractive, yet deceiving..It's not Horror, not fast thriller and not That creepy..Mostly it's about coming of age, Nostalgia..It's about Life..Life; Movies & "Paperbacks", Sex & Drugs..And TOO MUCH Rock & Roll..It's about a Shadow with no light..getting darker & darker..till you lose faith that there's any light..And the only light you'll see the Thunderous Lightnings.Yeah,it's also about losing faith. Not just about life, but also about what's

Absolutely great novel about ageing, pain, addiction, religion, quacks and death. King really manages to get you directly into the plot and you're getting older with his main character. Charlie Jacobs is extremely well drawn by the author. The end culminates into a Lovecractian ending. What a pageturning read. King on top on his abilities. Top recommendation!

Ive been married for over 25 years with a 30 year mortgage and raised three boys, Ive been to Iraq, taken and passed the bar exam and am in private practice.I dont scare easy.This book was scary.This was old school, spooky / creepy STEPHEN FREAKING KING wake you up in the middle of the night cause Barlow is sneaking down the hallway scary.Carrie walking Cujo down Shining Lane as Christine drives by.Scary.First of all, any book that begins with a quote from H.P. Lovecraft gets a quick and

You shouldn't go into this book thinking is going to be super scary. It's more of a coming-of-age story. These are my favourite kind of books, I love reading about characters getting older and finding out what things and situations shape them and influence their life. So for me, this book was a wonderful little treat for in-between! It wasn't the most exciting or special book, and I definitely wouldn't recommend it to someone who hasn't read King before, but for an already established fan - this

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