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Original Title: Fallen in Love
ISBN: 0375990674 (ISBN13: 9780375990670)
Edition Language: English URL
Series: Fallen #3.5
Characters: Lucinda Price, Daniel Grigori, Arriane Alter, Shelby Sterris, Miles Fisher, Roland Sparks
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Fallen in Love (Fallen #3.5) Hardcover | Pages: 201 pages
Rating: 3.77 | 38312 Users | 1806 Reviews

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Title:Fallen in Love (Fallen #3.5)
Author:Lauren Kate
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 201 pages
Published:January 24th 2012 by Delacorte Press
Categories:Young Adult. Fantasy. Paranormal. Angels. Romance

Rendition Toward Books Fallen in Love (Fallen #3.5)

And in a twist of fate, four extraordinary love stories intersect over the course of a romantic Valentine’s Day in medieval England. Miles and Shelby find love where they least expect it. Roland learns a painful lesson about finding and losing love. Arriane pays the price for a love so fierce it burns. And for the first—and last—time, Daniel and Luce spend a night together like none other.

Lauren Kate’s FALLEN IN LOVE is filled with love stories… the ones everyone has been waiting for.

Rating Based On Books Fallen in Love (Fallen #3.5)
Ratings: 3.77 From 38312 Users | 1806 Reviews

Assess Based On Books Fallen in Love (Fallen #3.5)
Ummm.... I actually don't know what to write? I don't understand why she even wrote this "book"?? Is it even long enough to class as a novel? no it isn't... Money money money *FACE PALM*I have read the rest of the books and only have Unforgiven here left to read, is it just me that is glad to be at the end of this series? Don't get me wrong I liked Rapture it actually had a plot and I didn't want to rip my eyes from my head but I don't see why she had to try and slip Fallen in Love in there,

Honestly I would've rated this higher if it weren't for Daniel and Luce at the end. They just annoy me so much!!! All the other stories I liked.

Fallen in love?Fallen 3.5?Is this a very nasty joke? *looks at the reviews* O_O Shit.Awesome. Just freaking awesome. Now I got to read this '3.5' book too. God! is this just me who wants to just finish this fucking series already so I could know the end due to my big mistake of even starting reading this series? I seriously want to finish and get over with this.Anyway, pretty cover. -.-

I actually liked this book more than any book in the series I have read so far. Luce and Daniel's relationship is still getting on my nerves, but I absolutely loved reading about everyone else's relationship. It didn't matter if it was talking how the two people fell apart or how they grew together. I loved Miles and Shelby's relationship, and I loved watching it blossom. Miles finally got out of his funk, which was thinking that he was in love with Luce, even though he never had a shot when it

There isn't much to say, except I thought it was lovely and I can't wait for Rapture. Especially after reading the excerpt...and I have to say..Oh Cam, I adore you...This HAS to be one of the best quotes ever!!!!"Yeah about that, How is it Possible?" Shelby said. "You'd think that kind of thing would leave an impression on the old memorizer.""Cam's face reddened." ""You try falling for nine days through multiple dimensions and trillions of miles, landing on your face, breaking your wings,

When Fallen debuted in December 2009, I fell in love with it. It was different than a lot of other YA novels out there at the time , which made it pretty refreshing to read. When Lauren Kate came out with the third installment in the Fallen series I was just as excited to read it as I was the other two, but my excitement quickly diminished-it seemed I was no longer interested in Luce and Daniels story anymore. I tried and could not finish the third in the series. With Fallen in Love, I thought

3 stars.I usually don't have a single page that stands out to me but in this case, with this book, there is that 1 page. Page 87 where we discover Cam has turned up in the city I was born in! It doesn't state the name of the city but its clear from the description."He found Cam at the southern tip of the Islands that would one day be called New Zealand" ohh yes. My home, my heart. Forever. Which is interesting as this is a book about 4 love stories. And my real home, is my love.Anyway. I'd have

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