Identify Books Supposing Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)

Original Title: Without Fail
ISBN: 1590860624 (ISBN13: 9781590860625)
Edition Language: English
Series: Jack Reacher #6, Jack Reacher Chronological Order #9
Characters: Frances Neagley, Mary Ellen "M.E." Froelich, Brook Armstrong, Stuyvesant, Jack Reacher
Setting: Washington, D.C.(United States) Grace, Wyoming(United States)
Literary Awards: Barry Award Nominee for Best Novel (2003), Dilys Award Nominee (2003)
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Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6) Audiobook | Pages: 14 pages
Rating: 4.15 | 80740 Users | 2382 Reviews

List Based On Books Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)

Title:Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
Author:Lee Child
Book Format:Audiobook
Book Edition:Unabridged
Pages:Pages: 14 pages
Published:May 17th 2002 by Brilliance Audio (first published May 13th 2002)
Categories:Thriller. Fiction. Mystery. Crime

Representaion Conducive To Books Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)

Skilled, cautious, and anonymous, Jack Reacher is perfect for the job: to assassinate the vice president of the United States. Theoretically, of course. A female Secret Service agent wants Reacher to find the holes in her system, and fast - because a covert group already has the vice president in their sights. They've planned well. There's just one thing they didn't plan on: Reacher.

Rating Based On Books Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
Ratings: 4.15 From 80740 Users | 2382 Reviews

Criticize Based On Books Without Fail (Jack Reacher #6)
Comatose Literature: "Without Fail" by Lee Child When summer is just around the corner, I start thinking about what books to take on holidays.   Beach or pool is also important, but the real clincher are the books. And the first question on the agenda is which books should I bring? More important even than my destination, are the books Im taking with me. Ive always been like this. My wife used to complain that I packed lots and lots of books in case I got stranded on a desert island by mistake

Audio book for my second time around this storyWithout a doubt I would have given this four stars when I read the book upon original release. I was just captured with Jack Reacher; he attack the bullies that we all encounter in our lives.Now, I am looking at the individual story and how Child delivers it. Outside of the information about my country and it's institutes I find little here.

This one will hold your attention cover-to-cover! It unfolds at neck-break speed - a race against the clock to figure out who is trying to assassinate a candidate for vice president of the United States...and why? Is it political? Personal? I never tire of following the thought process of Jack Reacher as he takes on a case and/or villain. There are some great support characters in this one and several intense scenes. I just couldn't put this book down until I finished. Another fantastic addition

This is a bare-bones thriller, a puzzle played-out in blood and death, with almost no emotional involvement.Jack Reacher stands at the centre, almost more puzzling than the mystery he is trying to solve. He has insights that stretch credibility, based on a hyper-aware level of observation, remarkable recall and a willingness to run with intuition when logic can't get him there. Yet, the man who sees everything, seems to have no desire to engage with the world unless it is to exact revenge. He

Okay, another good read. Jack is what some may call an "odd duck"...sorry for the technical terminology. I mean he refuses to use or have anything that puts him on "the grid". He travels around looking like a huge homeless giant, he throws clothes away rather than wash them, no one can fins him... Yet he keeps ending up working with (untrustworthy and corrupt) government agencies and agents.It has to do with him being an incorruptible and bad-ass MP and in this case that his (late) brother was

My Rating: 4.3/5Great Novel just like the others. This is not as good as Echo Burning. A bit slower here and there. The twists at the endings are not as impressive as the other novels. But still a great novel. There is no bad stuff about it. So, yeah. See u guys in the next one.

First, I can state I love the Reacher stories. I have read 26 of them in the last 24 weeks. And only have a few to go to have read all of them in well under a year. I started on a whim by picking up the current release because the description caught my attention when I was looking at it as a gift for my father. That first one, Past Tense, was great and many since have been excellent reads. But there are a few things that I feel are inconsistent in this volume over the rest of the Reacher canon,