Particularize Books Toward The Pact

Original Title: The Pact
ISBN: 0061150142 (ISBN13: 9780061150142)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Chris Harte, Emily Gold, Melanie Gold, Jordan McAfee
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The Pact Paperback | Pages: 512 pages
Rating: 4.01 | 263341 Users | 10004 Reviews

Specify About Books The Pact

Title:The Pact
Author:Jodi Picoult
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 512 pages
Published:August 29th 2006 by Avon (first published April 22nd 1998)
Categories:Fiction. Romance. Contemporary. Womens Fiction. Chick Lit

Chronicle To Books The Pact

For eighteen years the Hartes and the Golds have lived next door to each other, sharing everything from Chinese food to chicken pox to carpool duty—they've grown so close it seems they have always been a part of each other's lives. Parents and children alike have been best friends, so it's no surprise that in high school Chris and Emily's friendship blossoms into something more. They've been soul mates since they were born.

So when midnight calls from the hospital come in, no one is ready for the appalling truth: Emily is dead at seventeen from a gunshot wound to the head. There's a single unspent bullet in the gun that Chris took from his father's cabinet—a bullet that Chris tells police he intended for himself. But a local detective has doubts about the suicide pact that Chris has described.

Rating About Books The Pact
Ratings: 4.01 From 263341 Users | 10004 Reviews

Judgment About Books The Pact
How did three of my friends end up reviewing this book on the same day, especially when at least two of them didn't read it that recently? Did I miss a review contest or something?Anyway, I couldn't resist adding my opinion to the pile. This was my first Jodi Picoult book, and as I read it, I was captivated. She chooses good topics, and her writing really pulls you in. At the time, reading her can feel intellectually stimulating as her books raise interesting psychological questions.However,

Gosh, I want to hate her for writing books like this...Throughout the whole book, I was thinking about what rating to give it, because there were parts that blew my mind and others that were just very slow, yet significant for the storyline. I even caught myself thinking: "Ha, she forgot to mention that" but then it happens on the last page. ;)The end of "The Pact" convinced me again though that I can't give this book less than 5 stars. There aren't many books where I really sympathise or feel

I'll admit that Picoult can tell a story and keep me interested, but she has some seriously annoying writing tics that almost made me stop reading. Some examples: "...,' he said softly"; "...,' she said thickly"; and (my favorite) "...,' he said, his eyes shining." Blech. Spare me! If only I had a dollar for every time I had to read one of these trite phrases. Is there not some other way to convey that someone is speaking softly than by saying "softly"? Also, someone needs to re-edit this book

I picked up this book based on recommendations from friends. I already loved Jodi Picoult from My Sister's Keeper, The Tenth Circle, and Nineteen Minutes. Yet again, she did not disappoint. I don't know what to say about the book without sounding is a great story about teen love and commitment. I am always amazed at how deeply I feel I know Jodi's characters. Right now Chris is sticking in my mind and how often I just wanted to shake him and say "Tell someone! Don't be a hero!" But,

This book, as my favorite of Jodi's, stands in for the whole Picoult oeuvre, which I read mostly over the course of one summer and which is the proving ground for the split in my reading personality -- snob vs. storylover. Picoult is sentimental, always takes on at least one Issue, and pretty much smacks you at the end of each chapter, if not each section, with pithy Theme Sentences, but she manages to avoid after-school specialiness almost totally (no, I don't know how that's possible). She

"He kissed her so gently she wondered if she had imagined it.""To say there had been a loss was ludicrous; one lost a shoe or a set of keys. You did not suffer the death of a child and say there was a loss. There was a catastrophe. A devestation. A hell.""[He] closed his eyes. How could he convey to someone who'd never even met her the way she always smelled liek rain, or how his stomach knotted up every time he saw he shake loose her hair from its braid? How could he describe how it felt when

This is the first Jodi Picoult book that I have read. I admit that she is a good writer and I found myself unable to put the book down; however, I felt that there was a lot lacking to make this a solid GOOD book. In my opinion, though this book was supposed to be a drama/love story, it severely lacked drama. I felt it was worthy of three stars rather than two solely because I completely fell in love with the main character, Chris Harte. He was the only character that I felt was well-developed