Books Download How the Steel Was Tempered Free

Books Download How the Steel Was Tempered  Free
How the Steel Was Tempered Hardcover | Pages: 376 pages
Rating: 3.82 | 2880 Users | 224 Reviews

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Original Title: Как закалялась сталь
ISBN: 0714705853 (ISBN13: 9780714705859) URL

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Yüz yıl sonra Ekim Devrimi ve ardından kurulan iktidarların bozulup çürüdüğü ve yıkıldığı, büyük emek ve özverilerle insanlığa armağan edilen kazanımların emperyalist kapitalist barbarlık eliyle yok edilerek insanın kendine düşman haline getirilmeye çalışıldığı bir çürüme çağında dönüp yeniden Ekime bakmak, onun insanın kendini gerçekleştirmesine yaptığı katkıdan esinlenmenin büyük bir değeri olacağı kanısındayız. Çünkü sosyalizm sadece insanı maddi-ekonomik zincirlerinden kurtarmakla kalmamış aynı zamanda ve bununla bağı içinde yeni bir insan tipinin de müjdesini vermiştir. Ve bu tarihsel serüveni en iyi anlatan şeylerden birinin de edebiyat olduğu su götürmez bir gerçektir.
Birçok insanı sosyalizm fikrine yaklaştıran, sosyalizmi kuru bir analiz olmaktan çıkararak kanlı canlı bir tarihsel deneyim halinde kavramasına yol açan devrim romanlarının dönüp dönüp tekrar okunmasının bu nedenle büyük bir önem taşıdığına inanıyoruz.

Mention Based On Books How the Steel Was Tempered

Title:How the Steel Was Tempered
Author:Nikolai Ostrovsky
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 376 pages
Published:September 1973 by Central Books Ltd (first published 1934)
Categories:Fiction. Literature. Russian Literature. Cultural. Russia. Classics. War. Novels

Rating Based On Books How the Steel Was Tempered
Ratings: 3.82 From 2880 Users | 224 Reviews

Criticize Based On Books How the Steel Was Tempered
Say to the steel is you this book, it is not strange for everybody! The book speaks a strong and brave hero, Paul till golden.Read the steel is you this book, I realized that a person's life is for his perseverance has a great influence on. He said the book, Paul was the hero's gold, his life is tough, but by what he himself to survive? Is perseverance. Perseverance gave his boundless strength, god has made him a three times since the understanding of life. ZhuHe sailors came, he was attracted

Although I'm unable to understand the depth of the main character Pavel Korchagin (who seems to pet hatred, violence, and dogmas) but I understand how the immense passion of the young writer ( 1904-1936) to write the book, lying in the bed blind and half paralyzed made the book worth reading. It's a semi-biography novel of Ostrovsky portraying how the Bolshevik revolution became a need of that time. The socialist realism he feels in earlier Russia, the wartime violence, murder, rape, plunder ,

This one is written by a fanatic. The author is so obsessed with his dogmas that he seems religious rather than political, and yet it's politics he is dedicating his life to. The communism as he understands and practices it.So it's a great book. I dislike the main character and most of the moral principles in the book seem to be from medieval times, but it has strength and the book is enjoyable to read. Fanatics do have power in their words. Belief is the heart of life and sometimes it may not

This is a book by a person who"burnt the candle of his life from both ends." One of the greatest biography written in a novel form. I read this book in English, Hindi and Marathi.

: The most precious thing is life and we only have life once. The person's life should be spent this way: When he looks back, he does not regret for wasted years, not because of mediocrity and shame the quote from the book How the steel was tempered. Speaking of Paul, my admiration can not help that he was a hero, he is a stubborn man when he had to withdraw from the battlefield wounded occasion, he still kept trying to contribute in the rear. When he was diagnosed with the nerve had trouble, he

An autobiography of Nikolai Ostrovsky, which portray how the Bolshevik revolution became a need of the society. The author became more of a storyteller and sketched the political,social and economic scenario in Russia. One of the most evident novels which imply Bolshevik revolution was a part of people's life back then. The emotional involvement of the author with his struggle overpower the story. But once someone starts reading it,it's hard to put off.

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