Books Free Download Girl in Hyacinth Blue

Books Free Download Girl in Hyacinth Blue
Girl in Hyacinth Blue Paperback | Pages: 242 pages
Rating: 3.73 | 37087 Users | 1861 Reviews

Point Books To Girl in Hyacinth Blue

Original Title: Girl in Hyacinth Blue
ISBN: 014029628X (ISBN13: 9780140296280)
Edition Language: English
Literary Awards: Book Sense Book of the Year Award Nominee for Adult (2000), San Diego Theodor S. Geisel Award (2000)

Commentary Conducive To Books Girl in Hyacinth Blue

A professor invites a colleague from the art department to his home to view a painting he has kept secret for decades in Susan Vreeland's powerful historical novel, Girl in Hyacinth Blue. The professor swears it's a Vermeer -- but why exactly has he kept it hidden so long? The reasons unfold in a gripping sequence of stories that trace ownership of the work back to Amsterdam during World War II and still further to the moment of the painting's inception.

Present Out Of Books Girl in Hyacinth Blue

Title:Girl in Hyacinth Blue
Author:Susan Vreeland
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 242 pages
Published:October 1st 2000 by Penguin Books (first published 1999)
Categories:Historical. Historical Fiction. Fiction. Art. Short Stories

Rating Out Of Books Girl in Hyacinth Blue
Ratings: 3.73 From 37087 Users | 1861 Reviews

Notice Out Of Books Girl in Hyacinth Blue
I'm really not one for collections of short stories. I'm admittedly voracious in all things and that does not exclude my reading choices. I always feel short stories leave me still hungry for more. I'm frequently fond of saying, "I don't want a taste. That's just a tease. I want the whole thing." However, very rarely a book of short stories comes along which I find appropriate and satisfying. This is the case with Girl In Hyacinth Blue.I've not read any of Susan Vreeland's books previously but

Art lovers will probably enjoy this book. Historical fiction, art and art history, good writing, combined for a good read. I've read several of her books and this may be my favorite. I would compare it to Tracy Chevalier's Girl with a Pearl Earring.

The Girl in Hyacinth Blue, by Susan Vreeland, was a well-written, thought provoking and inspiring book; but to tell you the truth, I probably would not have finished it if it werent for the fact that I was in a book club that keeps me accountable. Its the perfect example of why Im in this book club in the first place: to keep me reading things that challenge me a bit, rather than always the easy, thrilling Dan Brown or JK Rowling types. I liked Girl in Hyacinth Blue, not only because it portrays

This entry will be out of the ordinary. I wrote GIRL IN HYACINTH BLUE,and somehow it appeared in the wrong place on Goodreads. I can't seem to remove it, so I might as well supply a review.NEW YORK TIMESDecember 19, 1999Picture This: A novel of a haunting painting and its effect on a succession of owners over three centuries. Girl in Hyacinth Blue, by Susan Vreelandby Katy EmckSusan Vreeland's second novel, "Girl in Hyacinth Blue," may be a book about a painting, but it is never content with

A very nicely written series of stories revolving around the central theme of a painting. If this rating lacks the warmth nay even ecstasy of some other reviews I saw before acquiring it, this is due to a couple of factors that I, the reader brought to it rather than any inherent insufficiency of the book itself:The first thing that rather set me back was that it is very much individual stories. Not interconnected stories even and certainly not 'a novel' as represented. As a fast reader, I find

Great read! Vreeland writes several short stories of a lost Vermeer painting and the people whose lives it touched. The stories are told from the present to long ago, back in time. This lost painting is a portrait of a young woman looking out a window, lost in thought, brilliantly clothed in hyacinth blues. The stories contain exquisite visual descriptions of his artwork and the everyday lives of ordinary women. I loved how Vreeland described color and how his paintings contained the "dust of

One of my all-time favourite books by one of my all-time favourite authors, GIRL IN HYACINTH BLUE tells the story of a painting in a series of interlinked vignettes moving backwards in time. The first is set in contemporary times, telling the story of a middle-aged man who has in his possession an extraordinary painting of a young girl which he believes is a lost Vermeer. He cannot prove it, however, for the painting has no provenance. And he cannot show it to any specialists, because the

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