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Present Books In Favor Of Apollyon (Covenant #4)

Original Title: Apollyon
ISBN: 1937053164 (ISBN13: 9781937053161)
Edition Language: English
Series: Covenant #4
Characters: Aiden St. Delphi, Alexandria "Alex" Andros, Seth (Covenant Series)
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Apollyon (Covenant #4) Paperback | Pages: 343 pages
Rating: 4.39 | 40543 Users | 2598 Reviews

Describe Containing Books Apollyon (Covenant #4)

Title:Apollyon (Covenant #4)
Author:Jennifer L. Armentrout
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 343 pages
Published:April 4th 2013 by Spencer Hill Press
Categories:Young Adult. Fantasy. Paranormal. Mythology. Romance

Commentary Conducive To Books Apollyon (Covenant #4)

Fate isn't something to mess with and now, neither is Alex.

Alex has always feared two things: losing herself in the Awakening and being placed on the Elixir. But love has always been stronger than Fate, and Aiden St. Delphi is willing to make war on the gods—and Alex herself—to bring her back.

The gods have killed thousands and could destroy entire cities in their quest to stop Seth from taking Alex's power and becoming the all-powerful God Killer. But breaking Alex's connection to Seth isn't the only problem. There are a few pesky little loopholes in the whole an Apollyon can't be killed theory, and the only person who might know how to stop the destruction has been dead for centuries.

Finding their way past the barriers that guard the Underworld, searching for one soul among countless millions, and then somehow returning will be hard enough. Alex might be able to keep Seth from becoming the God Killer or she might become the God Killer herself.

Rating Containing Books Apollyon (Covenant #4)
Ratings: 4.39 From 40543 Users | 2598 Reviews

Column Containing Books Apollyon (Covenant #4)
I honestly have no words. I'm just going to go to a corener and cry.

Whatever you do, don't break my brother's heart. You are his world. And if you leave it, it will destroy him.Actual rating: 4.3 out of 5 starsThe thing about this series is that every book gets better and better and better. I loved 80% of this book so much and enjoyed the other 20% a lot. There's action, romance and a lot of sassy remarks that really does not make this the ideal book to read while on a train because you will start laughing all of a sudden and have people staring at you.I feel

Oh dear, this series gets better and better with each book!To be honest, this was not my favorite book of the series, I prefered the previous ones. Apollyon was action packed and highly entertaining but from the beginning to the middle of the book, I felt like nothing really happened... But still, I really liked and enjoyed every chapter. I'm so not ready to start the last book. I grew attatched to all the characters and the story, I don't want this wonderful series to end :(

SpoilersThis was pretty much what I expected It wasn't good, it wasn't awful Okay, it was pretty awful but it wasn't the worst thing I've ever read there were loads of cheesy parts, predictable arcs and nonsensical dialogue But I have to admit there was the occasional somewhat entertaining moment.Why do I keep reading this series?1. I like (most) of the secondary characters.2. It reminds me of Vampire Academy, which I love (mostly, sort of).3. Once I start a series I find it hard to give up

I've never been a fan of the Greek mythology, but this series sparked in me an interest in the Greek Gods like I've never had before. I really want/need to learn more about them 😃Now back to the point, this series.. Oh, this series.. I don't know what to say, but one thing is for sure, this series is one of the best series I've ever read 😍 Jennifer L. Armentrout never fails to amaze me and take me to a world of magic that keeps me highly entertained and distracted ❤This book was another

Fanfreakingtastic!!!LOVE LOVE LOVE!!I swear, I don't know how Jennifer L. Armentrout finds the energy to keep creating amazing books after amazing books. Someone needs to bottle it up and spread it around the world. Think of all the peace we can achieve. But in all seriousness, I've never met a JLA book I didn't like! Apollyon proves to be another exciting installment in the Covenant series, bringing in more action and more romance then ever before, leaving us breathless and begging for the

I'm the luckiest frikkin' editor in the world... :)

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