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Title:Hereafter (Hereafter #1)
Author:Tara Hudson
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 404 pages
Published:June 7th 2011 by HarperTeen
Categories:Young Adult. Fantasy. Paranormal. Ghosts. Romance
Books Free Hereafter (Hereafter #1) Download
Hereafter (Hereafter #1) Hardcover | Pages: 404 pages
Rating: 3.72 | 16598 Users | 1687 Reviews

Rendition In Favor Of Books Hereafter (Hereafter #1)

Can there truly be love after death?

Drifting in the dark waters of a mysterious river, the only thing Amelia knows for sure is that she's dead. With no recollection of her past life—or her actual death—she's trapped alone in a nightmarish existence. All of this changes when she tries to rescue a boy, Joshua, from drowning in her river. As a ghost, she can do nothing but will him to live. Yet in an unforgettable moment of connection, she helps him survive.

Amelia and Joshua grow ever closer as they begin to uncover the strange circumstances of her death and the secrets of the dark river that held her captive for so long. But even while they struggle to keep their bond hidden from the living world, a frightening spirit named Eli is doing everything in his power to destroy their newfound happiness and drag Amelia back into the ghost world . . . forever.

Thrilling and evocative, with moments of pure pleasure, Hereafter is a sensation you won't want to miss.

Declare Books In Pursuance Of Hereafter (Hereafter #1)

Original Title: Hereafter
ISBN: 0062026771 (ISBN13: 9780062026774)
Edition Language: English
Series: Hereafter #1
Setting: Oklahoma(United States)

Rating Epithetical Books Hereafter (Hereafter #1)
Ratings: 3.72 From 16598 Users | 1687 Reviews

Rate Epithetical Books Hereafter (Hereafter #1)
Final rating: 2.9 stars.I had some mixed feelings about this book. One minute I'm enjoying everything, then BAM... I'm literally throwing the book across the room.(Don't worry, nothing was harmed. It landed quite safely on the recliner...) My main problem with Hereafter is the romance insta love and the main character's horrible choices throughout the book. But, you know what? I can understand how her choices can be so piss poor, I mean the girl has been dead. For years. Blind. In the bottom

Explain to me what happened in Hereafter. I dare you. Youre at a loss of words trying to describe what happened, arent you? Ill tell you whyBECAUSE NOTHING. HAPPENED.(yes, the caps locks were extremely necessary) Amelia is dead. She cant remember how she died, her family, or even her last name (but she can remember how to find the order of a differential equation and the fact that she doesnt like Hemingways writing). Amelia finds a boy who is driving off a bridge, and the boy dies for a short

I'm sorry I didn't finish you. Okay, maybe I'm not. This book is really boring. There is no tension in the pace, no urgency in the writing, and absolutely no chemistry between the two leads. The writing is rough, unpolished, and suffering from a lot of repetition. There is nothing that makes the female character, Amelia, stand out. She's just so blah. Oh wait, she somehow MIRACULOUSLY is ace at Calculus, just when our guy needs it. Uh huh, right. After she saves him the BOTH of the fall so fast

Oh boy, am I sick of the insta-love trope in YA romances! Do all these YA PNR authors shop at the same shelf in Writers R Us? I really should have known better than to read any book Becca Fitzpatrick has called a "tender and poignant love story". Hereafter, I shall never read another book recommended by Fitzpatrick. Hereafter, I shall know better than to judge a book by its blurb. Hereafter, I shall not fall for pretty covers. Amelia (and it took me a minute to recall her name!) is a ghost who

Hereafter was a very pleasant experience with the 'monster' of the young adult paranormal couple being the girl for a change - and a dead girl at that!I'm not really sure what to say about it. I got about halfway and then picked up another book, finishing that before I finished Hereafter. Some parts of it are very slow, and you have to remember that this is a romance so Amelia spends an awful lot of time with the boy over only a few days developing that.Apart from the romance I found the concept

Caution: Cheesy 90s movie references aheadI really argued with myself about this rating because I did really like the book. Joshua was charming, and the pacing was great. But what kept me from giving it four stars was my lack of interest in ghost stories. I just couldn't connect with the plot, and there were so many bits about Amelia's ghost life that didn't make sense that I couldn't get over.Paranormal romance gets a lock of criticism about being the same. That there's a formula for every

In the piles of paranormal books & the flurry of hype, it's hard to find books that are memorable. This one was. It captured my attention enough to read cover-to-cover AND to remember well after finishing. My vote: Worth Reading.

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