Books Online The Five People You Meet in Heaven (The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1) Download Free

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Original Title: The Five People You Meet in Heaven
ISBN: 1401308589 (ISBN13: 9781401308582)
Edition Language: English
Series: The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1
Characters: Eddie, Marguerite, Tala, Blue Man, Steve Rogers, Ruby
Setting: United States of America
Literary Awards: Lincoln Award Nominee (2008)
Books Online The Five People You Meet in Heaven (The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1) Download Free
The Five People You Meet in Heaven (The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1) Paperback | Pages: 196 pages
Rating: 3.93 | 554718 Users | 19751 Reviews

Representaion In Favor Of Books The Five People You Meet in Heaven (The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1)

From the author of the phenomenal #1 New York Times bestseller Tuesdays with Morrie, a novel that explores the unexpected connections of our lives, and the idea that heaven is more than a place; it's an answer.

Eddie is a wounded war veteran, an old man who has lived, in his mind, an uninspired life. His job is fixing rides at a seaside amusement park. On his 83rd birthday, a tragic accident kills him as he tries to save a little girl from a falling cart. He awakes in the afterlife, where he learns that heaven is not a destination. It's a place where your life is explained to you by five people, some of whom you knew, others who may have been strangers. One by one, from childhood to soldier to old age, Eddie's five people revisit their connections to him on earth, illuminating the mysteries of his "meaningless" life, and revealing the haunting secret behind the eternal question: "Why was I here?"

Particularize About Books The Five People You Meet in Heaven (The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1)

Title:The Five People You Meet in Heaven (The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1)
Author:Mitch Albom
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First
Pages:Pages: 196 pages
Published:September 23rd 2003 by Hyperion (first published September 1st 2003)
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Fiction. Magic

Rating About Books The Five People You Meet in Heaven (The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1)
Ratings: 3.93 From 554718 Users | 19751 Reviews

Article About Books The Five People You Meet in Heaven (The Five People You Meet in Heaven #1)
I read this at Christmas but frankly after eating too many roasted vegetables, drinking too much merlot and making myself a comfortable nest out of discarded wrapping paper, I was disinclined to write a review. It's now six months later and I think I've finally worked off the last roasted potato so this seems like a timely juncture to write a review of The Five People You Meet in Heaven. Eddie works at the amusement park on the Ruby Pier. He's 83 and probably due for retirement. On his birthday,

what providence: i just remembered this book after I read some holier-than-though pretentious bullshit Mitch Albom wrote about Harry Potter. Mr. Albom-Winfrey seems to think the mass marketing of Harry Potter has ruined the theoretical lives of such figures as Winnie the Pooh, Clifford, Curious George, etc., despite that his own shitty books have been thrust upon the world under the same kind of marketing blitz. As if I weren't annoyed enough at his article, I was subsequently reminded of this

I get why old religious women might like this book, but it wasn't for me.

My face tightens into a mean spirited frown, I grind my teeth, my head starts to burn, I clench my fists, I begin to tremble; there is a tightness in my stomach. I rip the telephone off the wall and throw it out my nine-story window onto the street; I let out a barbaric, guttural, king-of-the-jungle, ape-like scream. I feel my pulse beating in my neck, a blood vessel snaps in the back of my head. I flip over my couch, CRASH! I kick a hole in the middle of my T.V. I like that my shin is cut,

Not at all my normal fare, but it was a last thing at night read. I am a sceptic, so again this would not be a book that would attract me; its not that I like the idea of the cessation of existence at death, but I think thats what happens. So how come I read this? Occasionally I buy books at auction because they can be very cheap; this came with assorted others, so ended up on the shelves.Its very brief and could easily be read in one sitting and is about a fairground worker called Eddie. It isn

Buzzword A ThonGolden Girls Read A Thon: Read a book under 200 pagesThis is my 5th time reading this book. I can't explain why I love this book so much. I usually hate, Hate, HATE cheesy heartwarming stories like this. And yet The Five People You Meet In Heaven just touches me on an emotional level. Eddie is a grizzled old war veteran and widower, has spent the last 50 years working a job he hates at an amusement park and just feeling like his life has no meaning. Then on his 83rd birthday Eddie

WHAT! Yet another sentimental old-timer gives this piece of jellied sugar syrup FIVE STARS? Y'er darned tootin', kid!Take away the fancy Amazon gift wrap with its shiny veneer and the Good Housekeeping seal of approval (from the folks in the seniors' homes of course), and you have WHAT?A story of a broken old man who's had an excruciatingly hard life. And YES - in the Real World people's hard lives CAN break them.COMPLETELY. TOTALLY. UTTERLY.Their hard lives can:Wipe the floor with them. Grind

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