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Original Title: Cop Town
ISBN: 0345547497 (ISBN13: 9780345547491)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Maggie Lawson, Kate Murphy
Setting: Atlanta, Georgia,1974(United States) Georgia(United States)
Literary Awards: Edgar Award Nominee for Best Novel (2015), CWA Ian Fleming Steel Dagger (2015)
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Cop Town Hardcover | Pages: 416 pages
Rating: 3.89 | 22566 Users | 2294 Reviews

List Appertaining To Books Cop Town

Title:Cop Town
Author:Karin Slaughter
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 416 pages
Published:June 24th 2014 by Delacorte Press
Categories:Mystery. Thriller. Crime. Fiction. Suspense

Relation During Books Cop Town

Atlanta, 1974.

As a brutal killing rocks the city, Kate Murphy wonders if her first day on the police force will also be her last. For life is anything but easy in the male-dominated world of the Atlanta Police Department.

Kate isn't the only woman on the force who is finding things tough. Maggie Lawson followed her uncle and brother into the ranks to prove her worth in their cynical eyes.

When Maggie and Kate become partners, and are sidelined in the search for the city's cop killer, they decide to pursue their own line of investigation. But are they prepared to risk everything as they venture into the city's darkest heart?

Rating Appertaining To Books Cop Town
Ratings: 3.89 From 22566 Users | 2294 Reviews

Article Appertaining To Books Cop Town
5.5/10This is a hard book to review. There were parts I liked but there were parts I didn't like, but taking two weeks to read this sort of book shows that I was struggling. The soundtrack to this book has to be "Gimmie Shelter" by the Rolling Stones. Racism is rife, homosexuality is like a disease that needs to be eradicated, the backdrop of the Vietnam War and the general hatred of it ooze out of the pages. That is the highest praise I could give it by relating it to such a great song. The

Any chance of a Maggie-and-Kate series?? 😊

The good-ol-boy system was great so long as you were one of the boys. So, this book. How to start with this book? I've never read Karin Slaughter before, but I was in the mood for an adult stand-alone when I was perusing Netgalley. I almost skipped over it. I'm so used to YA, with their dazzling covers of trickery, looking all beautiful on the outside, but oftentimes being so empty inside. Then I came across this. With it's unassuming cover, all quiet, contemplative, calculating, almost bland

All new characters, set in 1975...I think my readers will really enjoy this one. It was a lot of fun to work on and I talked to a lot of interesting folks for research. Don't worry--another Will and Sara is around the corner. A girl has to have some fun!

Whenever I read a Karin Slaughter book I finish it and think I really should read more of her work. I always seem to enjoy her books and yet I still keep reading other authors work, well this is going to change. In my defence there are so many good authors and books out there and such little time to fit them all in.This stand alone novel is set in Atlanta, 1974 and new recruit Kate Murphy is thrown into a brutal murder and a furious manhunt that is rocking the city. Kate is a good looking woman

Atlanta, Georgia in 1974 was full of racial prejudice, bigotry, hatred and the belief that women should be in the home, not working toward a career and this was just in the Atlanta Police Department. Maggie Lawson had been a raw recruit once on the job now for twelve months, she was still in the shadow of her uncle and brother. Terry had a cruel streak and did his best to lower Maggies dwindling confidence with verbal abuse and beatings. Her brother Jimmy was growing up the same way, though

Sexism baby. Its pretty-freakin-ridiculous. But if you cant move past it, or youre going to start swearing from the mountaintop, you better just slide right on by, because you will not enjoy this novel. Let that sink in for a moment before we move on. And if youre going to bitch and moan about it, keep in mind Karin Slaughter wrote a realistic historical novel. She did not set out to write a politically correct novel. And for cripes sakes, this is fiction people.Atlanta is a wonderful southern

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