Free ثلاثية غرناطة Books Online Download

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Title:ثلاثية غرناطة
Author:رضوى عاشور
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 502 pages
Published:2009 by دار الشروق (first published 1994)
Categories:Novels. Fiction
Free ثلاثية غرناطة Books Online Download
ثلاثية غرناطة Paperback | Pages: 502 pages
Rating: 4.29 | 38039 Users | 6768 Reviews

Rendition In Pursuance Of Books ثلاثية غرناطة

ثلاثية غرناطة هي ثلاثية روائية تتكون من ثلاث روايات للكاتبة المصرية رضوى عاشور و هم على التوالي: غرناطة - مريمة - الرحيل.

وتدور الأحداث في مملكة غرناطة بعد سقوط جميع الممالك الإسلامية في الأندلس، و تبدأ أحداث الثلاثية في عام 1491م، وهو العام الذي سقطت فيه غرناطة بإعلان المعاهدة التي تنازل بمقتضاها (أبو عبد الله محمد الصغير) آخر ملوك غرناطة عن ملكه لملكي قشتالة وأراجون، وتنتهى بمخالفة آخر أبطالها الأحياء (عليّ) لقرار ترحيل المسلمين حينما يكتشف أن الموت في الرحيل عن الأندلس و ليس في البقاء.

Identify Books As ثلاثية غرناطة

Original Title: ثلاثية غرناطة
ISBN: 9770907375
Edition Language: Arabic URL
Characters: علي, أبو جعفر, حسن, سعد, نعيم, سليمة, مريمة
Setting: الأندلس
Literary Awards: جائزة أحسن كتاب في مجال الرواية - معرض القاهرة الدولي للكتاب (1994), الجائزة الأولى - معرض كتاب المرأة العربية (1995)

Rating Out Of Books ثلاثية غرناطة
Ratings: 4.29 From 38039 Users | 6768 Reviews

Comment On Out Of Books ثلاثية غرناطة
I expected more from this book

A good novel that describes how the lives of the Arabs turned to be after the occupation of the Castalians to Andalucia (currently known as Spain). The book exhibits the different oppression the Arab went through, and how they were prohibited from practicing the Islamic rituals. They were forced to become Christians or die. And in many cases they were forced to leave their villages and places. The story navigates different periods of time through 6 generations; starts with telling a story of a

A historical novel set in Granada after the fall of the Islamic empire in Andalusia to the Spanish. The story was highly readable and enjoyable. I know little about the treatment of Muslims by the Spanish but this story paints an awful picture.

I found Radwa Ashour's Granada to be a nice introduction to the rich history of Al Andalus and better suited to a younger audience.The magical city of Granada has the same name as the Pomegranate. The pomegranate theme in Granada: https://thesecretgardenatlas.files.wo...

A wonderful novel and successful by all standards . It shows the experience of the writer and she deserve all the awards that she got .

Everyone should read this book!

One of the most beautiful Novels I have ever read. This book captures the misery of three generations of a Muslim Family living in Andalusia, when the Muslim empire fell. The book truly shows the hardships Muslims faced. Their mosques turned into churches, Holy books burnt, Arabic language banned, Hammams closed... They were even forced to abandon their own religion and become Christians.I recommend everyone to read this novel, and you'll understand the truth about Andalusia that was always

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