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Original Title: John F. Kennedy
ISBN: 0316907928 (ISBN13: 9780316907927)
Edition Language: English
Characters: John F. Kennedy
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An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963 Paperback | Pages: 849 pages
Rating: 4.07 | 8773 Users | 375 Reviews

List Based On Books An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963

Title:An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963
Author:Robert Dallek
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 849 pages
Published:May 4th 2004 by Back Bay Books
Categories:Biography. History. Nonfiction. Politics. Presidents. North American Hi.... American History

Interpretation In Favor Of Books An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963

Drawing on previously unavailable material and never-before-opened archives, An Unfinished Life is packed with revelations large and small -- about JFK's health, his love affairs, RFK's appointment as Attorney General, what Joseph Kennedy did to help his son win the White House, and the path JFK would have taken in the Vietnam entanglement had he survived.

Robert Dallek succeeds as no other biographer has done in striking a critical balance -- never shying away from JFK's weaknesses, brilliantly exploring his strengths -- as he offers up a vivid portrait of a bold, brave, complex, heroic, human Kennedy.

Rating Based On Books An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963
Ratings: 4.07 From 8773 Users | 375 Reviews

Write-Up Based On Books An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963
The health problems that John F. Kennedy had were quite incredible, and it is hard to read them without having sympathy and awe for Kennedy's perseverance. Historian Robert Dallek was the first to have access to Kennedy's health records, though Seymour Hersh detailed many of Kennedy's ailments through anonymous sourcing in a book he wrote.Dallek is a good writer and presents Kennedy well. That said, this biography didn't change my own view that JFK is perhaps the most overrated president in U.S.

In the acknowledgments of this book, the historian writes that "the research and writing of this book extended over five years...", and it must be noted that this is also the length of time it took me to read it. Having previously read Robert F. Kennedy: His Life by Evan Thomas and absolutely adoring it, the logical next step for me was to pick up this- the definitive biography of John F. Kennedy. I wanted to love this book, I really did, but truthfully it did not grip me. Under normal

I was 16 when John F. Kennedy was assassinated and he's the second president I remember as havingimpacted my life. To this day the great imponderable 'what if' of our history is what if Kennedy hadlived to serve two full terms or even one?Without mythologizing Kennedy because enough of that has certainly been done, author Robert Dallekgives us a warts and all portrait of Kennedy and concludes quite dispassionately that the world wouldhave been better off if he had lived. The promise was about to it was published in 2003, Robert Dallek's "An Unfinished Life: John F. Kennedy, 1917-1963" was the first full-scale, single-volume biography of JFK in over three decades. Dallek is a presidential historian and former professor of history at Boston University, Columbia University and UCLA. He is the author of nearly two-dozen books including a two-volume series on LBJ and "Nixon and Kissinger: Partners in Power."Dallek's book benefits enormously from

Jack Kennedy was the mythological front man for a particularly juicy slice of our history. He called a slick line and wore a world-class haircut. He was Bill Clinton minus pervasive media scrutiny and a few rolls of flab. - James Ellroy, American TabloidMitigating circumstances: This is the ninth among my presidential bio(ish) reads over the past month and change. Ive been concurrently reading Team of Rivals: The Political Genius of Abraham Lincoln, which is an amazing book about an amazing

Im too young (though not by much) to remember, real time, JFKs assassination, but Ive been all too aware of the whodunit debate thats raged ever since his tragic and untimely death. That said, I really didnt know very much about the man until I read this book. Its a thoughtful and thoroughly researched piece of work that draws on the input of many people who served with Kennedy and tapes of White House conversations, by virtue of a recording system instigated by JFK himself.The son of a pushy

(Posted on my blog)As I watch Jimmer and BYU take on Gonzaga in the "third round" of the NCAA tournament, I'm using an iPad from my company's IT department to write this post. It's pretty cool, I guess.I recently finished a very compelling biography of JFK (An Unfinished Life). Being too young to have any experience with his presidency (or life, for that matter), I learned a lot from this book. I know a number of my "conservative" friends would automatically say JFK was a liberal. I suppose he

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