Particularize Books Toward Fontamara (The Abruzzo Cycle #1)

Original Title: Fontamara
ISBN: 3462025996 (ISBN13: 9783462025996)
Edition Language: German
Series: The Abruzzo Cycle #1
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Fontamara (The Abruzzo Cycle #1) Paperback | Pages: 214 pages
Rating: 3.76 | 2933 Users | 143 Reviews

Interpretation As Books Fontamara (The Abruzzo Cycle #1)

Fontamara fu pubblicato a Zurigo nel 1933. Ambientato in un paesino abruzzese, Fontamara appunto, racconta l'eterno conflitto tra "cafoni" e "cittadini", reso ancora più drammatico dall'avvento del fascismo. I contadini e i braccianti, rassegnati ormai e quasi assuefatti a subire senza reagire catastrofi e soprusi di ogni genere, abbrutiti dalla miseria e dalla lotta per la sopravvivenza, trovano la forza di ribellarsi quando si rendono conto dell'ultima, ennesima truffa ordita sulla loro pelle, che, per una coincidenza non casuale, corrisponde temporalmente all'entrata in scena del regime fascista. Figura centrale del romanzo è Berardo Viola, che rappresenta l'esigenza di riscattare una vita di silenzio e passività, esigenza che diverrà essenziale e imprescindibile anche per gli altri "cafoni" fontamaresi.

Declare Of Books Fontamara (The Abruzzo Cycle #1)

Title:Fontamara (The Abruzzo Cycle #1)
Author:Ignazio Silone
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 214 pages
Published:May 1997 by Kiepenheuer & Witsch (first published 1933)
Categories:European Literature. Italian Literature. Fiction. Classics

Rating Of Books Fontamara (The Abruzzo Cycle #1)
Ratings: 3.76 From 2933 Users | 143 Reviews

Evaluate Of Books Fontamara (The Abruzzo Cycle #1)
Murica (Fontamara); Revolution is not a try for removing lonliness, but a try to stay together and not fear.در مورد آثار ایناتسیو سیلونه لطفن اینجا را بخوانید

Have you any idea of what a war can cause and what big and evil interests are behind it? No? Then read it.

Fontamara is one of the great anti-fascist novels. Yet the author was very likely a police spy. Still goes in my top ten reads.

3,5 stars

I have a specific childhood memory of my foot hurting and myself standing in front of a towering pine tree in my backyard. I can't remember whether I ran into the tree or kicked it, but I do remember staring up the trunk of this giant, expressionless creature and the frustration knowing I would never, ever have revenge upon it for my foot hurting. Fontamara is like that. At the end of the book, you sit there in your chair with so much rage and pity for the poor, swindled Fontamara peasants and

Great literary work dealing with the plight of the common man in Fascist Italy. Strong sense of realism, straightforward literary style, and gripping biographical information surrounding author's personal struggle that ultimately colors the story.

There is a curious story about this book. A professor, teaching this in a literature class in Florida recently, noted that while his white middle class students were bored reading this, his African American students found it a very compelling read. Strange thing, that this Italian novel, written by a socialist writer, depicting the cruelty suffered by Italian peasants under Mussolini's fascists, should resonate with students here in the US in the 21st century.