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Title:Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Author:Aron Ralston
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 368 pages
Published:August 30th 2005 by Atria Books (first published August 31st 2004)
Categories:Nonfiction. Biography. Autobiography. Memoir. Adventure. Survival
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Between a Rock and a Hard Place Paperback | Pages: 368 pages
Rating: 3.83 | 19362 Users | 1813 Reviews

Ilustration Supposing Books Between a Rock and a Hard Place

A brilliantly written, funny, honest, inspiring, and downright astonishing report from the line where death meets life which will surely take its place in the annals of classic adventure stories. One of the most extraordinary survival stories ever told -- Aron Ralston's searing account of his six days trapped in one of the most remote spots in America, and how one inspired act of bravery brought him home. It started out as a simple hike in the Utah canyonlands on a warm Saturday afternoon. For Aron Ralston, a twenty-seven-year-old mountaineer and outdoorsman, a walk into the remote Blue John Canyon was a chance to get a break from a winter of solo climbing Colorado's highest and toughest peaks. He'd earned this weekend vacation, and though he met two charming women along the way, by early afternoon he finally found himself in his element: alone, with just the beauty of the natural world all around him. It was 2:41 P.M. Eight miles from his truck, in a deep and narrow slot canyon, Aron was climbing down off a wedged boulder when the rock suddenly, and terrifyingly, came loose. Before he could get out of the way, the falling stone pinned his right hand and wrist against the canyon wall. And so began six days of hell for Aron Ralston. With scant water and little food, no jacket for the painfully cold nights, and the terrible knowledge that he'd told no one where he was headed, he found himself facing a lingering death -- trapped by an 800-pound boulder 100 feet down in the bottom of a canyon. As he eliminated his escape options one by one through the days, Aron faced the full horror of his predicament: By the time any possible search and rescue effort would begin, he'd most probably have died of dehydration, if a flash flood didn't drown him before that. What does one do in the face of almost certain death? Using the video camera from his pack, Aron began recording his grateful good-byes to his family and friends all over the country, thinking back over a life filled with adventure, and documenting a last will and testament with the hope that someone would find it. (For their part, his family and friends had instigated a major search for Aron, the amazing details of which are also documented here for the first time.) The knowledge of their love kept Aron Ralston alive, until a divine inspiration on Thursday morning solved the riddle of the boulder. Aron then committed the most extreme act imaginable to save himself. Between a Rock and a Hard Place -- a brilliantly written, funny, honest, inspiring, and downright astonishing report from the line where death meets life -- will surely take its place in the annals of classic adventure stories.

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Original Title: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
ISBN: 074349282X (ISBN13: 9780743492829)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Aron Ralston
Literary Awards: Lincoln Award Nominee (2007)

Rating Out Of Books Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Ratings: 3.83 From 19362 Users | 1813 Reviews

Weigh Up Out Of Books Between a Rock and a Hard Place
This is the vehement story of mountaineer Aron Ralston who always, for he starts an expedition, tells his friends and family where he's going to climb. Just not this time, may 2003, in Utah's Bluejohn Canyon, he falls into a cave and by the most uncredible bad luck his hand gets stuck between a big massive rock.This book describes Ralston's struggle against thirst, hunger, desperation, pain, stress and anxiety, because nobody knows where he is.His situation keeps getting worse and worse.

Aron Ralston is probably the stupidest outdoorsman I've ever heard of. Being married to a climber, I have some insight on how to treat the rock. You don't just leap onto it and hope you make it to the top of the route. You prepare. You double-check your gear. You scope out the climb. YOU TELL PEOPLE WHERE YOU ARE GOING.I'm the same age Ralston was when he got stuck in the slot canyon, and I can't imagine being so reckless. His entire book recounts how egotistical and selfish he is. I've known

Right off the bat, I want to say that I wish no harm to anyone, but this kid was headed for disaster and didn't seem to mind if he took others with him. This book is page after page of his blatant disregard for himself, others and nature. Beside his poor choice in music, he seems to thrive on just plain poor choices. I'm happy that he had the wear with all and physical strength to survive what would of been a horrible situation for anyone, but did he learn anything from it? Loosing his arm is

Hmmm. I do not think Aron Ralston is a hero of any sort.Yes, he amputated his arm because he had the wherewithal and the survival skills to remain calm in this massively dire situation.However, this book is full of his tales of stupid, arrogant mistakes where he consistently fails to consider the forces (and consequences) of his actions. He should have been killed numerous times. He is responsible, at least on one occasion, for almost killing two of his best friends. The entire time I was

Many of you have seen 127 Hours, a 2010 film that took the adventure docudrama world by storm. James Franco magnificently portrays Aron Ralston, a man trapped in the vast desert of Moab for 127 hours in the most dire of circumstances- virtually no water, no food, no sleep, and the small inconvenience of having his hand stuck in between a slot canyon he was traversing, and a half-ton boulder. As all of you know, and hopefully will not be shocked at this spoiler alert, he amputates his own hand in

I saw the film and was inspired to read the book because I wanted to really FEEL what was going through Aron Ralston's head through his ordeal.His book doesn't just focus on the 127 hours he spent trapped under the rock, he dissects his whole life up to that point, recalling memories and events as well as people who have crossed his path. The worst part in the book is, predictably, when he finally decides to amputate his own arm- as graphic as it seemed on film, reading about it made me feel

There is only one character in this book, and that character is, you guessed it, Aron Ralston. Between a Rock and a Hard Place is Ralston's account of his ordeal pinned to a canyon wall by a half-ton chockstone in Blue John Canyon. He alternates between chapters telling of the delirium of those five days and the choices he must make, and a sort of "how I came to be the way I am" recounting of his life story. The irony of the book reveals itself to the reading pretty early on. A seemingly random