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All That Matters Hardcover | Pages: 208 pages
Rating: 3.42 | 702 Users | 125 Reviews

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Original Title: All That Matters
ISBN: 140130110X (ISBN13: 9781401301101)
Edition Language: English
Setting: New York City, New York(United States)

Commentary Supposing Books All That Matters

What's the greatest gift that one person can give another?

Jan Goldstein's stunning debut novel, All That Matters, is a deeply moving, endearing tale of a young woman who, with the help of her feisty grandmother, makes a journey from the very brink of death and despair into a full embrace of life.

Jennifer Stempler has nothing left to lose: the love of her life dumped her, her mother died in a senseless car accident five years ago, and her famous Hollywood producer father started a brand-new family--with no room in it for her. So, 23-year-old Jennifer decides to pursue peaceful (permanent) oblivion on the beach near her home in Venice, California, drifting on a lethal combination of Xanax and tequila. But she can't even get that right.

Jennifer's depression is no match for her Nana's determination. Gabby Zuckerman refuses to let her granddaughter self-destruct. With promises made to Jennifer's father and doctors, Gabby whisks Jennifer back to her home in New York City, intending to prove to Jennifer that her life cannot possibly be over yet. In fact, it has just begun. Through jaunts in Central Park to road trips to Maine, Gabby teaches Jennifer how to trust and hope again. And by relating her own tragic and heroic experience during the Nazi occupation of Poland, Gabby bestows upon Jennifer an understanding of her own life's value. But when Gabby reveals a secret--one that proves to be Jennifer's toughest challenge yet--Jennifer struggles to find out whether the gift will sustain her.

Combining the unabashedly heart-warming sentiment of Robert James Waller's The Bridges of Madison County or Nicholas Sparks's Message in a Bottle with the irreverent humor of Jennifer Weiner's In Her Shoes, Goldstein's All That Matters is an inspirational first novel that leads readers to the core of what matters in life--family, hope, and savoring each moment.

List Epithetical Books All That Matters

Title:All That Matters
Author:Jan Goldstein
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 208 pages
Published:September 8th 2004 by Hachette Books (first published January 1st 2004)
Categories:Fiction. Womens Fiction. Chick Lit. Romance

Rating Epithetical Books All That Matters
Ratings: 3.42 From 702 Users | 125 Reviews

Commentary Epithetical Books All That Matters
A lovely little book that reminds us what is important in life. It is a good idea to ask ourselves, 'What was the gift today?'

Jennifer Stempler had been living in a world of loss and betrayal, and could find no way of escaping it. After a suicide attempt, and showing no remorse, Jennifer is released to her grandmother's care, along with psychological counseling. Feisty and lovable Gabby Zuckerman, Nana to Jennifer, was determined to help her granddaughter find her way out of the darkness and back into the light. Barry Stempler, a less than desirable father to Jennifer, tried hard to make up for his past poor qualities

This is a sweet and uncomplicated story -- both joyful and sad at turns and sometimes all at once. The story is about a young woman who is suicidal, depressed, has lived through some very sad events, like the loss of her mom. Her grandmother, a feisty Yiddishe lady with emphysema, coaches her back to the side of the living. It made me laugh and also shed a few tears. I would have given it a 4/5, but it was also formulaic and too short for further development of the characters, but I think it

I'm a sucker for cheesy things. I love all things sappy, sweet, and sentimental. That said, I found this book to be - very frequently - too cheesy.One thing I must say right away: I greatly admire many of the sentiments that Goldstein presents here, especially a concept of finding some gift in every day and the general values of understanding and respecting the history of your grandparents.However, I felt as a general whole that the characters seemed very much like stock characters. I found them

3.5 StarsThis book surprised me by not being what I thought it was going to be about. Usually I can guess a story and I didn't guess this one. I thought it was going to be funny, and parts of it were, but there were so many layers of sadness as well.Jennifer is tired of her life and tries to take it by overdosing at the beach. Her elderly Grandmother, Gabby steps in and takes her to New York to recover and try and bring her back from the depths of depression she is in. Gabby teaches Jennifer to

This book touched my heart on so many levels and I had the best cry of the year, reading this book.

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