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Original Title: Der Märchenerzähler
ISBN: 1419701223 (ISBN13: 9781419701221)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Anna Leemann, Abel Tannatek
Literary Awards: Deutscher Jugendliteraturpreis Nominee for Preis der Jugendjury (2012), Literaturpreis der Jury der jungen Leser for Cover (2012)
Books Download Free The Storyteller (UK edition)  Online
The Storyteller (UK edition) Paperback | Pages: 402 pages
Rating: 4.06 | 7705 Users | 1372 Reviews

Mention Epithetical Books The Storyteller (UK edition)

Title:The Storyteller (UK edition)
Author:Antonia Michaelis
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Anniversary Edition
Pages:Pages: 402 pages
Published:January 1st 2012 by Amulet Books (first published February 2011)
Categories:Young Adult. Contemporary. Mystery. Romance. Fantasy. Fiction

Ilustration Supposing Books The Storyteller (UK edition)

Anna and Abel couldn’t be more different. They are both seventeen and in their last year of school, but while Anna lives in a nice old town house and comes from a well-to-do family, Abel, the school drug dealer, lives in a big, prisonlike tower block at the edge of town. Anna is afraid of him until she realizes that he is caring for his six-year-old sister on his own. Fascinated, Anna follows the two and listens as Abel tells little Micha the story of a tiny queen assailed by dark forces. It’s a beautiful fairy tale that Anna comes to see has a basis in reality. Abel is in real danger of losing Micha to their abusive father and to his own inability to make ends meet. Anna gradually falls in love with Abel, but when his “enemies” begin to turn up dead, she fears she has fallen for a murderer. Has she?

Award-winning author Antonia Michaelis moves in a bold new direction with her latest novel: a dark, haunting, contemporary story that is part mystery, part romance, and part melodrama.

Rating Epithetical Books The Storyteller (UK edition)
Ratings: 4.06 From 7705 Users | 1372 Reviews

Article Epithetical Books The Storyteller (UK edition)
Yes, ladies and gentlemen.As we all have started to guess by now, if a book takes longer than a few days for me to finish, there's a high chance that it's gonna turn into a DNF for me. And lo and behold, we have a fucking DNF. Honestly, maybe this is my final call to steer off and clear of YA. Cause damn baby, I tried. I tried, and tried, and fucking tried again, and again, and a-fucking-gain. But YA is just not for me anymore I'm afraid. Other than a very few selected authors, that is.

Translated into English, as The Storyteller (see the English trailer).Anna is a good kid, on the brink of her final high school exams. She's determined to do well, take a year off, and eventually leave the "soap bubble" she's been living in. But she finds herself increasingly distracted by the mysterious Abel, one of her bad boy classmates, rumored to be a drug dealer.Hit with a strong stalkerish urge, Anna starts following him around, and soon finds out that Abel has a 6 year-old sister, to

*sees book for the first time*OMG! I NEED TO READ THIS BOOK RIGHT NOW!*still reading*No! What is happening? God,please don't let anything bad happen! *reads the last line*First I was likeThen I was [image error]This book! Oh! This book completely destroyed me. I haven't cried like this since Forbidden(sad tears) and Jellicoe Road(happy tears). (view spoiler)[Unfortunately these were the sad tears. (hide spoiler)]There is so much pain and suffering in this book I almost can't believe it. *hour

UpdateI can't get this book out of my head. I talk about it at random times and I think about it very often. I had to bump it up another star, because it obviously affected me deeply.Original ReviewThis book started out really strong. I immediately noticed how beautiful the prose was, especially for a translated book. I really liked the characters, and I loved the way that you got snapshot POV's for other side characters. Sometimes the characters did things that I didn't like, but every single

"in love, there is no criticism. In love, there is no rationality." This quote, to me, says it all in this story. It's a story will stay with you long after you're done. I'm still thinking and talking about it to whoever will listen. Seventeen year old Anna finds a doll, underneath a couch in the student lounge. When Abel, the well-known drug dealer of the school, claims the doll belongs to his six-year old sister, Anna is curious, and ends up following Abel to see if it's true. When Anna sees

#44: A book that was originally written in a different language.OH. MY. GOD. This has to be one of the WORST books I have ever read in my entire life. It's amazing how a book can be THAT BAD. I'm not going into full description of my problems with this... this... thing, because there were a lot of issues and this... thing is not worth it.I just want to say one thing: Michaelis, I'm HORRIFIED of how lighly, badly, disrespectfully you treat such an important and delicate issue like rape.

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