Books Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1) Download Free Online

Books Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1) Download Free Online
Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1) Hardcover | Pages: 516 pages
Rating: 3.84 | 12450 Users | 970 Reviews

Identify Books During Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1)

Original Title: Cirkeln
ISBN: 9129676053 (ISBN13: 9789129676051)
Edition Language: Swedish
Series: Engelsfors #1
Characters: Minoo Falk Karimi, Vanessa Dahl, Linnéa Wallin, Anna-Karin Nieminen, Ida Holmström, Rebecka Mohlin, Adriana Lopez, Max Rosenqvist, Elias Malmgren
Setting: Engelsfors(Sweden)

Interpretation As Books Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1)

Engelsfors. Vackert namn, risig stad. Omgiven av djupa skogar där människor ofta går vilse och försvinner. Sex tjejer har just börjat gymnasiet. De har inget gemensamt - förutom att en uråldrig ondska jagar dem.

Höstterminen har just börjat när en elev hittas död på en av gymnasieskolans toaletter. Alla förmodar att det var ett självmord. Alla utom de som vet sanningen.

En natt då månen färgats mystiskt röd förs sex tonårstjejer till den nedlagda folkparken. De vet inte hur de har kommit dit eller varför de är där, men utan varandra kommer de inte att överleva.

De får veta att de är häxor. De Utvalda, som nämns i en uråldrig profetia. Plötsligt är gymnasiet på liv och död - bokstavligt talat. De måste lära sig samarbeta trots sina olikheter, och kontrollera de magiska krafter som vaknat till liv inom dem. Tiden håller på att rinna ut. De måste hitta och besegra ondskan som jagar dem, innan ondskan hittar dem.

Present Based On Books Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1)

Title:Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1)
Author:Mats Strandberg
Book Format:Hardcover
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 516 pages
Published:April 15th 2011 by Rabén & Sjögren
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Urban Fantasy. Paranormal. Magic

Rating Based On Books Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1)
Ratings: 3.84 From 12450 Users | 970 Reviews

Write Up Based On Books Cirkeln (Engelsfors #1)
The Circle is a Swedish Young Adult novel. Set in the small town of Engelsfor in Sweden, The Circle follows six teenagers at the local high school that find out they have magic powers.For the first few chapters I was a little confused by all the different characters as the viewpoint jumps between the girls, but by the middle of the book I had them sorted. They are all very different and there is enough character development to start getting to know each of them.Not all of the girls were very

"[...] when Engelsfors was a town full of promise." p. 577.

You can also see the review on my blog. The Circle is an enjoyable easy read with a group of distinct main characters that happen to be Swedish teenage witches! Sadly, there isnt much action or magic, but the little there is, I really liked. We spend a lot of time getting to know the lives of the girls and their growing relationship, which was very well done. I want to continue with the trilogy because I think theres a lot of potential and the characters ended up captivating me.I recently

Where do I even beginning talking about this book? Do I start with the amazing characters? Or maybe the intriguing plot? Or maybe the insane need to know more it creates. I carried this book with me the entire day and I read it faster than Ive read a book in . I cant even remember how long.After the apparent (and graphic) suicide of young Elias in the school bathrooms, six girls come to realise that there is more to this world than it seems. Deemed the Chosen Ones, these girls learn of a

!!!! w.i.t.c.h. vibes tbh. bit hard to read a translated version but i LOOOVE this

WOW! What an amazing book this was. And its all the more amazing because it really shouldnt have been amazing. Considering its massive length, the sheer number of POV characters, and all the angst said POV characters go through, the chances of this being a good book were slim. And yet it was not just a good book, but a superlatively good book. With an exciting plotline, three-dimensional characters, intriguing balance between contemporary and fantasy YA, and sheer quality, The Circle captivated

Real Rating: 4.5 starsI have been sitting here and staring at my computer for exactly 47 minutes trying to figure out how to start this review; so since I can not think of anything, this is what I shall give youIt took me a while to actually pick up the book and read it, but I did and I am very glad I did. And it is not because I have anything against Swedish authors(I love Sweden It's just that most of the time, whenever a book this size is published, it often gets patches of booorrriinngg and

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