Download Books For A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1) Free

Download Books For A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1) Free
A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1) Paperback | Pages: 368 pages
Rating: 3.96 | 7097 Users | 642 Reviews

Point Of Books A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1)

Title:A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1)
Author:C.L. Parker
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:First Edition
Pages:Pages: 368 pages
Published:August 27th 2013 by Bantam
Categories:Romance. Adult Fiction. Erotica. BDSM. Erotic Romance. Contemporary Romance. Contemporary. Adult

Ilustration As Books A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1)

For fans of Fifty Shades of Grey and Bared to You comes a wickedly erotic new novel of innocence, desire, and unbridled pleasure.
Delaine Talbot has a secret. When a matter of life and death threatens to tear apart her family, Delaine makes the ultimate sacrifice. She auctions herself off at Chicago’s most exclusive erotic club. Now she belongs to Noah Crawford, a wealthy mogul who introduces her to a seductive feast of the senses, awakening desires she only dreamed about. 
Noah doesn’t know why Delaine sold her body for a cool two mil. But it’s the perfect business arrangement. The inexperienced beauty will learn to satisfy his every sensual need, yet never touch his heart. Almost immediately their relationship generates heat—in more ways than one. When they fight, they take no prisoners. When they love, they show no mercy. When they’re together, they never want to leave each other’s arms. But soon, their intense, physical bond will take an unexpected turn—evolving into something neither has bargained for: the promise of a lasting love.

Present Books Concering A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1)

ISBN: 0345548760 (ISBN13: 9780345548764)
Edition Language: English
Series: Million Dollar Duet #1

Rating Of Books A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1)
Ratings: 3.96 From 7097 Users | 642 Reviews

Rate Of Books A Million Dirty Secrets (Million Dollar Duet #1)
Oh.My.God.....I am left speechless.....Review to come shortly......A Million Dirty SecretsThis ARC was given by Random House Publishing Group-Bantam Dell via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.Oh.My.God.uhh, I mean Noah......Okay 50 Shades of Grey Fans, here is a new addiction that will fill that feeling of emptiness 50 left behind. It has similarities, but it has a very different plot and the dark chains and pain are missing from this book.C.L. Parker has a great sense of humor and it

Loved this book. Can not wait for the next one to come out.

4.5 StarsThis book is:1 - Told in first POV2 - Constantly switches between POV of H/h and huge chunk is told by dialogue3 - Part of a serial4 - Has huge cliff-hangerFour very food reasons why I wouldn't normally go any where near this book but more importantly of all I would normally steer clear because I HATE it when the main crux of the story carries over onto further instalments as I like the H/h story to finish at the end of a book. Another reason I hate them so much is that a lot of the

ARC provided by NetGalleyA Million Dirty Secrets is a rare gem--highly erotic, humorous, and heart breaking all in one book. Parker tells the story of Delaine Talbot, a young woman whose mother is dying, and the length she goes to to make sure her mother has a heart operation that she desperately needs to live. She sells herself to the highest bidder at a very private, very elite, sex slave auction. Noah Crawford, heir and co-owner to the Scarlet Lotus foundation, has been disillusioned and hurt

1.5 stars Damn! I was so excited because this was my very first ARC and I really wanted to like this book. Alas, some things are just not meant to be ...Just FYI: if you ARE a fan of 50 Shades or Bared to You, do yourself a favor and AVOID this!This started out as an interesting if not very original (virgin and a billionaire ... you get where I am going with this?) concept and just went downhill from there. Dear author, Using terms like "Double Agent Coochie" and "Wonder Peen" when referring to

Good gosh! It took me forever to finish this book! I had a hard time picking this on my normal days as every damn chapter has some hot steamy scenes.. it was very descriptive and explicit that took me to orgasmland!I have no issues with Noah.. I already expected him to be your typical alpha, jerk demanding hero. Hot, rich, sexy yada! yada! Delaine on the other hand was a major disappointment for me. I'm supposed to feel sorry towards her but she acts like a total bitch that I end up hating her.

4 Love and Other Catastrophes StarsTen minutes to purchase her. One hour to get her lips wrapped around my c*ck. Three days to taste her juices. Four days to pop her cherry. Two weeks to lose my f*cking mind. Shit.When life throws you under the bus, instead of saying: "...screw them all. I am gonna find the other half of my soul and live happily ever after just to spite you.", just like the really cowards we are we close off our hearts and we turn our back to happiness. Newsflash people!!! The

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