Point Books Supposing Sapphique (Incarceron #2)

Original Title: Sapphique
ISBN: 0340893613 (ISBN13: 9780340893616)
Edition Language: English
Series: Incarceron #2
Characters: Claudia, Finn Abbott, Keiro, Attia, Rix, John Arlexa
Literary Awards: Mythopoeic Fantasy Award Nominee for Children’s Literature (2011)
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Sapphique (Incarceron #2) Paperback | Pages: 470 pages
Rating: 3.7 | 21265 Users | 1876 Reviews

Description As Books Sapphique (Incarceron #2)

The only one who escaped... and the one who could destroy them all. Incarceron, the living prison, has lost one of its inmates to the outside world: Finn's escaped, only to find that Outside is not at all what he expected. Used to the technologically advanced, if violently harsh, conditions of the prison, Finn is now forced to obey the rules of Protocol, which require all people to live without technology. To Finn, Outside is just a prison of another kind, especially when Claudia, the daughter of the prison's warden, declares Finn the lost heir to the throne. When another claimant emerges, both Finn's and Claudia's very lives hang on Finn convincing the Court of something that even he doesn't fully believe. Meanwhile, Finn's oathbrother Keiro and his friend Attia are still trapped inside Incarceron. They are searching for a magical glove, which legend says Sapphique used to escape. To find it, they must battle the prison itself, because Incarceron wants the glove too.

Describe Containing Books Sapphique (Incarceron #2)

Title:Sapphique (Incarceron #2)
Author:Catherine Fisher
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Special Edition
Pages:Pages: 470 pages
Published:September 18th 2008 by Hodder Children's Books
Categories:Fantasy. Young Adult. Science Fiction. Dystopia. Steampunk. Fiction. Adventure

Rating Containing Books Sapphique (Incarceron #2)
Ratings: 3.7 From 21265 Users | 1876 Reviews

Article Containing Books Sapphique (Incarceron #2)
I'm a little unsure how I feel about this book. I did enjoy some parts, especially the steam punk element. But a lot of it had me feeling very meh. I still did enjoy the concept and the twists and turns that kept me guessing just like with the first book. But the ending left me feeling very unsatisfied. In a way I feel like instead of wrapping up the series, this book left me with more questions than it answered.

I was so interested to read the follow-up to Incarceron that I ordered the UK version of Sapphique so I wouldn't have to wait until December to find out what happened to Finn and Claudia (and c'mon, having a UK edition is pretty cool, too). MILD SPOILERS:In Fisher's sequel, Finn's been sprung out of one prison and into another -- as future king of the Realm, he's trapped in all the usual politicking. He still can't remember his past life as Prince Giles, and he's plagued by memories (Keiro,

I give this about a B/B- - somewhere in between "Pretty good" and "Very nice". This book was pretty good. I think I enjoyed it more than Incarceron, pretty much because I was familiar enough with the basic storyline and didnt have to spend so much time figuring everything out. The pacing was pretty good, but the last 100 pages really, REALLY draggedand it got to the point where I came dangerously close to not caring anymorethats not usually a good sign. And yetI dont want to make it sound like I

This book was SO AWESOME (like its predecessor) in so many ways, and yet emotionally so agonizing! Please, please, please, Catherine Fisher, write a third book, I don't care what you have to do to the plot, just resolve all these emotional threads you left hanging! Don't make me write epic Jared/Claudia fanfic just to ease the pain!So much cool stuff in this book, though. So much that I know I'll have to read it at least twice (as I did INCARCERON) just to keep it all straight in my head.

Well...that was quite a ride. After 3 bathroom breaks, 2 snacks, 300 breaths, 10 pages and 7,504 catnaps, I have devoured a quite delicious wonder called "Sapphique" The things I liked about it...hm. Well, lets see. There's the steam-punk element, the dystopian drama, the royal intrigue, and the drool-worthy futuristic gadgets that is the pipe dream of any good CIA agent on the planet....or under it. ;P What I didn't like about it.... do you really want to spoil the good feeling of a good book

Sometimes when I'm sitting on the couch at night reading, loopy with exhaustion, I look over at my cats and start thinking about how weird it is that they're sentient beings who have feelings and communicate in ways that I will never understand. Then I pass out with my book on my face. But if you are like me and have a hard enough time grasping animal consciousness, then you will probably also have a hard time taking seriously the idea that a prison is not only a sentient being but wants to

When rereading an old fave doesn't go to plan and you actually end up disappointed! :( "He'd never wept in a cell with his mind torn away, never laid awake at night hearing the screams of children. He's not me. He's never been taunted by the prison." I loved Incarceron, I thought it was clever, and I found the plot engaging and addicting. I couldn't wait to jump into book 2.********SPOILERS AHEAD IF YOU HAVEN'T READ INCARCERON!!!!!*************Claudia and Finn are outside, attempting to