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Original Title: Go Tell It on the Mountain
ISBN: 0141185910 (ISBN13: 9780141185910)
Edition Language: English
Setting: New York City, New York(United States)
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Go Tell It on the Mountain Paperback | Pages: 256 pages
Rating: 4.02 | 41323 Users | 2453 Reviews

Rendition Toward Books Go Tell It on the Mountain

Go Tell It On The Mountain, first published in 1953, is Baldwin's first major work, a semi-autobiographical novel that has established itself as an American classic. With lyrical precision, psychological directness, resonating symbolic power, and a rage that is at once unrelenting and compassionate, Baldwin chronicles a fourteen-year-old boy's discovery of the terms of his identity as the stepson of the minister of a storefront Pentecostal church in Harlem one Saturday in March of 1935. Baldwin's rendering of his protagonist's spiritual, sexual, and moral struggle of self-invention opened new possibilities in the American language and in the way Americans understand themselves.

List Out Of Books Go Tell It on the Mountain

Title:Go Tell It on the Mountain
Author:James Baldwin
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 256 pages
Published:2001 by Penguin (first published 1952)
Categories:Fiction. Classics. Cultural. African American. Literature. Religion. Novels

Rating Out Of Books Go Tell It on the Mountain
Ratings: 4.02 From 41323 Users | 2453 Reviews

Notice Out Of Books Go Tell It on the Mountain
Licha wrote: "Keyboard warriors. Lol."A pointless battle, indeed! :)

O'er Tympany and TrumpetsPublished in 1953, James Baldwin's first major work was this scorching autobiographical novel of his salvific struggles as a teen in 1930s Harlem. He said this "is the book I had to write if I was ever going to write anything else." The novel centers on a 14-year-old John and Gabriel, his evangelical step-father, whose reserved demeanor as a storefront preacher belies his domineering and physically abusive ways. John fights against this pietistic tyrant and his world,

This book will be the subject of a face to face book club discussion at my local independent bookshop Five Leaves later this month, and I am looking forward to the discussion. I had never read any Baldwin before, and for most of the first part, in which the main characters are introduced, I was wondering what I had let myself in for, partly because I have never been a believer in any form of religion, and I have never faced any family pressure to change that, nor have I lived anywhere like the

More mystical & readable than the other biggie of Harlem literature, "Invisible Man", the tale told here is like a prism that breaks up into different lights, different lives filled to the brim with hardship. The Grimes family is led by the patriarch who is a fanatic. Members of the family struggle to find their own religion by their own means. The father is the bad guy because he's so blinded by his devotion that nothing else even comes second.There are brief glimpses into the racial issues

James Baldwin's body of writing and published work includes essays, plays, poetry, and six novels, of which Go Tell It on the Mountain was the first (1953). It is a semi-autobiographical look at life in 1930's Harlem, especially for African-Americans. It focuses on their struggles for equality -economically, socially, and culturally- in this great melting pot of a city where racial prejudice was as much a part of life as it was in the South. Baldwin uses the voice of one of his characters to

Like the previous Baldwin books I've read, this book is charged with a deep sense of longing and discovery. At the centre of the story is John, an awkward fourteen year old African American boy who grapples with the uncertainty of his place in the world. Set in the first half of the 20th century, mostly in New York and with parts in America's South, Baldwin narrates with great eloquence of the struggle of life and the role of Faith in it.I believe great books, like this one, disrobe us, in the

There are people in the world for whom "coming along" is a perpetual process, people who are destined never to arrive. James Baldwin, Go Tell It on the MountainThis was a slow read. In terms of pages and words it was a small book, but the river was deep and fierce. Baldwin is throwing out big themes on family, religion, race, sex. This isn't a beach read. It is a hard pew read in an unconditioned, hellfire and damnation church. I would read 40 pages and have to take a day to recover

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