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The Family of Pascual Duarte Paperback | Pages: 166 pages
Rating: 3.74 | 7942 Users | 525 Reviews

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Original Title: La familia de Pascual Duarte
ISBN: 1564783596 (ISBN13: 9781564783592)
Edition Language: English
Characters: Raphael, Mario Ferrone, Lola, Pascual Duarte, Rosário, Esteban Duarte, Madre, Engracia, El Estirao, Don Manuel, Lureña, Don Corrado

Representaion Concering Books The Family of Pascual Duarte

For fans of Spanish miserablism set in a heartless deterministic universe (i.e. this one), Pascal Duarte is the brief novel for you. Duarte’s confession, written from prison, is a beautiful recounting of a life of violent poverty and aimless murder, told in simple and frequently moving prose. Cela’s work is often concerned with the seemingly endless human capacity for violence and conflict and this short work leaves a powerful imprint on the reader with its moments of hair-raising cruelty and almost unbearable tenderness.

Declare Containing Books The Family of Pascual Duarte

Title:The Family of Pascual Duarte
Author:Camilo José Cela
Book Format:Paperback
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 166 pages
Published:April 1st 2004 by Dalkey Archive Press (first published October 1942)
Categories:Fiction. European Literature. Spanish Literature. Cultural. Spain. Classics. Novels

Rating Containing Books The Family of Pascual Duarte
Ratings: 3.74 From 7942 Users | 525 Reviews

Weigh Up Containing Books The Family of Pascual Duarte
It's an interesting study into an unreliable narrator, but otherwise, not really my cup of tea.

This is a story about the human animal, about the chains dragged by our material and social being, about the unstoppable forces that shake us when the balance has merely tipped over, about the pathetic remorse of a soul attempting to flee the scars of its body, about the lucid delusion of watching one's life unveil as a well-thought mechanism from the sound, cold cushion of their last breaths, as if mistaking coherence for forgiveness. An absolute treasure from the imaginary of a country - pays

This one is morbidly intriguing. It's sick fun to get into Pascual's head, "con perdón". Pascual kills his dog, his rival, his mom, your mom, and damned if you don't feel sorry for him in spite of it all. There is nothing sadder than a baby (Pascual's little neglected brother) having his ears eaten by a pig. Stop laughing, this is sad stuff.

This review first appeared in "Margin" which is an online literary publication focusing on magical realism edited by Tamara Kaye Sellman.IN CAMILO José Celas The Family of Pascual Duarte, people, plants, animals and other natural forces take on shimmering qualities when a murderous madman projects his imagination over a gray and barren landscape. His nameless and impoverished agrarian village is located, Pascual tells us, "some two leagues from Almendralejo, squatting athwart a road as empty and

It's the commonest trick in the world for writers to come up with an introductory note that attributes truth (or verisimilitude) to their story. I must have been absent-minded, but this time I was abused, and I spent the first part of the book really thinking this was a confession of a commoner sentenced to death, I read his words with more intensity, and I guess it's a testimony to Cela's realism that it took me a while to come to my senses. And I still think the first half is the best part, as

Life Is Ugly"Not everybody can control themselves, that's true. With some people passions lie close to the surface, uncertainty hovers over them like a rain cloud, soaking their better impulses, encouraging gloom. It seems to me that most writers of great literature [and Cela is no doubt one] form characters who wish to do well and to be successful in whatever they choose, big or small in scope. They often fail. But this novel is among the minority in which evil is explained, ugly feelings and

I am not, sir, a bad person, though in all truth I am not lacking in reason for being one. Pascual Duarte has done many things in his life. Some of them took him to prison not once but twice times. He's now under his second sentence and he's about to be executed. Thus, he wrote a diary in which he told his entire life and the people who influenced it.He killed many people. He states that at the beginning, so don't you worry about spoilers. Some in cold blood, some because of revenge, others

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