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Series: The Alpha Group #1
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Locked (The Alpha Group #1) ebook | Pages: 120 pages
Rating: 3.78 | 16377 Users | 965 Reviews

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Who is Sebastian Lock?

The bar Sophia Pearce is in doesn’t look like much. The wine is bad and the decor worse. But when a sudden attack of curiosity leads her to sneak past security and into the back room, she discovers something unimaginable. The most lavish party she’s ever laid eyes on, in the most unlikely of places.

But that’s nothing compared to what comes next, to the man she meets back there. Sebastian Lock. Gorgeous, commanding, and radiating charm, he is exactly the sort of silver-tongued rake Sophia has sworn to avoid. Unfortunately, he doesn’t care much for her promises.

Every instinct tells her to run, but the chemistry between them is as inescapable as gravity. Soon, he’s opening her eyes to a whole new world of pleasures, pleasures she never thought she’d enjoy.

There’s just one problem. Sebastian is more than he seems. Between the famous company he keeps and the almost paranoid secrecy of his employers, he’s a puzzle Sophia can’t quite solve, and his insistence on keeping things casual forces her to confront the demons of her past.

Can she learn to trust again? Or will Sebastian’s privacy tear them apart?

Contains light BDSM, including spanking, restraint, and anal play

Note: This book is the first part of a trilogy that is designed to be read together, much like The Blackstone Affair. Sebastian and Sophia will get their happily ever after, but not until the last book.

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Title:Locked (The Alpha Group #1)
Author:Maya Cross
Book Format:ebook
Book Edition:Deluxe Edition
Pages:Pages: 120 pages
Published:March 25th 2013 by Maya Cross
Categories:Erotica. BDSM. Romance. Adult Fiction. Contemporary Romance. Contemporary

Rating Epithetical Books Locked (The Alpha Group #1)
Ratings: 3.78 From 16377 Users | 965 Reviews

Comment On Epithetical Books Locked (The Alpha Group #1)
Giving this 3.75 stars only because it was too short for my liking but not bad at all.Get ready for the usual "girl meets rich, mysterious guy with BDSM preferences" storyline but this one is totally different from the rest because it takes place in Australia. Ok, ok I am being silly ... this really does have a different vibe to it.For starters, I am thrilled to bits that the heroine isn't a virgin and the guy is out of puberty.Now, who is Sebastian Lock?? I would love it if he turned out to be

In my endless quest to find a "better" version of FSoG I keep picking up these billionaire BDSM books. (And, to be fair, it's hard to find a contemporary these days that ISN'T an homage to that stupid book.)This one is set in Australia which immediately gets points from me, if for no other reason than I can imagine the hero talking dirty in an Aussie accent. The heroine is also NOT a clumsy ingenue. She's a lawyer with a snarky sense of humour and a potty mouth. Again, immediate points from me

Had two probs with this one -first, never felt any chemistry between the hero and heroine. Second - the hero's need to be a dom and the bdsm stuff didn't feel organic to the story. Just felt there.This one is start of a series, as no HEA at end.Review to come

4 Strong StarsThis is your basic man has money, sees girl he wants to tie to his bed, and may like her more than he expected. I will say Maya Cross has definitely put her own voice on it. I love Sophia Pearce. She is strong willed, daring and the type of best friend I'd want to have. Sebastian Lock is obviously gorgeous, filthy rich and has a few too many secrets to hide. So far, he hasn't came off as "broken" but there's definitely more to this demanding man and Sophia isn't afraid to find them

Great, steamy -and short- read!Loved Sebastian Lock -come on, who wouldn't- and the fact that the heroine, Sophia was not a doormat.Since The Alpha Group series is made out of three, short books, I'm planning on reviewing them together, when the story ends.Captivating and promising start, though!Off to book number 2!..

This book was provided by Maya Cross in return for an honest review. Read more of this review and win an eCopy of Locked by Maya Cross @The Book WranglersThis review has absolutely no SPOILERS.It's as mysterious as our very own Sebastian Lock.Mysterious, provocative, and sexy!I was really excited when I was approached by Maya Cross to read Locked! After reading the synopsis I thought maybe this will have a different story line that will take me by surprise or at least throw some curve balls my

Win a $40 Amazon Voucher + ebook of Locked by Maya Cross I really enjoyed this one its a great debut from Maya Cross and the cover is stunningly beautiful. Its another erotic trilogy set in the gorgeous city of Sydney, similar in length to Raine Millers Naked, but what makes it stand out a little from the rest of the crowd is its heroine.Sophia is all kinds of feisty, absolutely not a doormat shes trying hard to climb the corporate ladder, working almost seven days a week so nights out with

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